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For the officer Iggy

Its pretty much what youre imagining i think

I kind of imagine Prompto has been kicked out of his house again

And the weather is awful

So he's like - the girls and guys do this every night

It can't be that bad and I get a bed for the night

And it's some money

Only he chickens out and can't go through with it

But when he tries to back out the guy is like

'listen you little shit, you've wasted my time - you owe me'

So he tries to force it, hence all the bruises

But Prompto manages to get out of there

before anything can happen

I kind of imagine the listlessness is part shame

and part his injuries

Like, how low has he sunk

I figure he probably stumbled into the street

half dressed

and some good samaritan was like 'uh, are you ok kid?'

And he takes the ride just to put distance ebtween him and his assaulter

The police are called to report it

I kind of imagine as well that Ignis doesnt think for a second that prompto willingly went into it

So he's really like 'we'll nail this guy don't worry'

And Prompto is like *selfdeprecating laugh*

'I went with him - i'm pretty sure i'm at fault here'

He probably tried bravado at first

Like he wanted to see how much he could make

before Ignis eventually works him down

And it comes out that he was just cold and didnt want to end up with hypothermia

Ignis is like .....ok

Probably still tries to get him to report it

But Prom is adamant that a. nothing happened (lie) and b. he had initiated it

Ignis is like 'alright, lets agree to disagree'

Turns to the doctor, asks if he needs to stay the night

He's probably waiitng to do a rape kit but Prom doesnt want it

So he's like 'not a lot I can do without your consent, Mr. Argentum'

So once he checks him over he says he's okay to leave and Ignis is like 'Alright then, lets go' a bit stiffly

Proms like '....am I gonna be taken in for soliciting?'


'...then what...'

'My shift is over'

'Good for you...'

Maybe he tries to direct Ignis to his place when theyre in the car

But Ignis is having none of it

They get to his apartment

Its late af but Ignis is gonna make them some dinner

Prom probably starts to cry into his food

Ignis pretends not to notice

After, gets him some towels and clothes to sleep in

'We'll talk in the morning'

Then depending on how you want it

Prom is gone come morning

Or they have their talk and Iggy is like 'you come here. never do that again. I'll get you a key but please dont rob me'

if its the prom leaves option, the next tiem iggy sees him he's trying ot pretend to be his regular cheerful self

joking with iggy

Iggy is like 'uh huh, here - for you.'

And its a key

'I assume you remember where I live, next time you don't have somewhere to stay - go there'

AND pic 2

A similar situation

Where Prom probably got assaulted on his way home

The hospital is following protocol and called police

They try to contact Proms guardians but no joy

So they ask Prompto if theres anyone else they can call

So he gives Ignis' number, then Gladio's and Nocts

But theres some important meeting happening so theyre all away from their phones

So the hospital has no choice but to leave a voicemail

This time he probably doesnt refuse the tests

mostly because he doesnt know what it entails

so he goes through with that

Pictures are taken

They patch him up and he tugs the blanket up over him while the policeman sits and takes his statement

Im kind of between 2 options

Option 1 is the boys arrive as he's finishing his statement and the policeman's in shock when the Prince turns up

I imagine he was being pretty clinical but nice with Prompto

but everyones been very aloof with him

So he's badly in need of a little care

Ignis being like 'Please have all information forwarded to the crownsguard dept, we'll be taking over the investigation'

They're going ot leave no stone unturned

or the second option

All tests and interviews are done and the doctors arent pleased but they have no reason to keep him

It's not sitting well with them that a kid didnt have any support

So Prom is going to get a bus home but he starts to get all freaked out so he decided maybe it's okay to get a taxi just this once

He's all jumpy after what happened

He also aches all over

And really wants a shower

and maybe a cry

So he probably sleeps like the dead when he goes to bed because of the stress

Wakes up and everything hurts more

he could probably use some groceries but he kinda doesnt want to go it

Noct and co had to go to a dinner with their guests after the meeting

And it extended late

They had breakfast with them the next morning before they saw them off

And then Noct was allowed back on his phone

Ignis had seen the voicemail the night before but due to it being an unknown number he had dismissed it until he had time the next day

When they escape Noct comments and Ignis is like 'huh, is it this number?'

Gladio is like 'oh me too'


So they all listen and its like '....shit'

They probably go by the hospital first

Before going ot his house

He's sitting on the couch watching TV, all their missed calls unanswered because his phone is charging in his room

He probably downplays the whole thing

theyre all worried and guilty so he doesnt want to make them feel worse

They didnt ignore him on purpose

And he's well covered up so all they see is the bruise on his cheek and neck

Theydon't know any better than to believe him

Noct is still like -youre coming back to mine and having a game night and snacks

Because he feels awful

and iggy is like 'yess, curry night'

I imagine Gladio and Iggy notice theres more to it when they see the occasional winces and grunts

And again XD option 1 and 2

he's getting changed for bed

and it's like 'whoa whoa whoaaaa, what is all that???'

'j-just some bruising'

Bruises that tell a very grim story and explain why Prompto is so jumpy

or he get s a call from the police station

and they just need him to come in regarding developments

And Gladio is like '....why are the police involved?'

Maybe they go over Prom's head and look into the repot

and then its like 'crap this is way worse than we imagined'

Prompto has also clearly been affected by the whole ordeal

so he needs to talk to someone

even if it's them, just to get it out

Maybe he agrees to talk to them but only if they keep it from Noctis

And thats enough of a compromise



Ellay Gee

All the specific points of contact tell a very disturbing story and I love it.




Awwwww!!! Your email is a dick. But at least these are all very well timed to your current chocobro kick so there's lots to see 8D