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 First I loosly...going to have to google how to spell this word, loosely, looks wrong but ok. LOOSELY sketched it. I had planned to have  more hands and also clothes but oh well

Next I duplicated the sketch and filled it with black first because its easier to see the holes then changed it to white - so i could clip the colour to it so that it would be easier for clean u. I find it easier to do this in SAI

Used colourise for the flats. Super easy and quick. Here's how if youre not sure 

Added a new layer and in the layer settings chose 'Clip to layer below' and started to define things a bit more.

Pretty much the same as the previous - another new layer for highlights and shadows. Add as many layers as you need.

I added a layer above the line art and clipped it to the line and used a burnt orange to soften the lines on the face as the black was a bit harsh.

I also erased some of the lineart around this stage. you can compare it to the original sketch.

I decided I wanted to leave the shading as the only suggestion and seeing as i was in ClipStudio there are some great spatter brushes in the airbrushes so I wanted to use those for the freckles.

Which was the very last thing I did. I used a bunch of different colours and sizes because freckles are all over the place.

I've also attached the PSD if you want to have a look at the layers yourself




This is beautiful. I read the title before clicking on it and I thought it was princess Prompto lol