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'You should stay with me for a while...'

'What no, I'll be fine'

'Your parents are away arent they?'


Which leads to Prompto shooting down all his reasons

He doesnt need to use the stairs

they have a downstairs bathroom

He can sleep on the couch

Gladio persists

'Its weird dude, your family will be there'

'Thats what happens in homes'

'Is this because we just started going out, because don't worry - you're not obligated to wait on me'

'What? No.'

Gladio eventually decides he's done talking

And just carries Prompto to the car

Cant escape

Guilts him

'My dad will be upset if you leave

He'll blame me'

'Why would he?? Gladio /: this is going to be such a pain in the ass for you'

Gladio also admits with slightly red cheeks that he likes helping Prompto

Prom is like 'UGH, what a neanderthal, are you going to go to the park and kill some animal for me?'

'Do you want me to??'





GLASSES PROM SLAYS ME Also i fukken love your stories soooo MUCH. Also that sweater looks might big on you Prom. Who'd you borrow it from? ♡(ŐωŐ人) I also really like the idea of Brotherhood Promptio, how dare you inject it in my brain