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Turns out art block plus relying on art and being able to draw for money does not do good things for your mental health. My anxiety has been through the roof.

Art block has never felt so stressful and the downside was that was making me MORE blocked

I've just been a bit of a mess the last fortnight, i sat at my computer and cried one night and that was kind of like...okay, this isn't helping anything - take a step back.

Im feeling a bit better tho - I know you guys are literally amazing and the comments will be to look after health first but at the end of the day you're paying for a service and I NEED to provide. 

I promise some content asap, I'm trying to have a stress free doodle right now.

I hope you guys are doing okay?


Jenn Quinn

I totally echo everybody with the take care of your health. Maybe you've been in one fandom too long and need to rewatch/replay old favourite movies/games/comics. And in the meantime, if it gives you so much pressure to be posting and giving us all fabulous art, why not delve into your archives? Your tumblr has a ton of art, and I probably have only seen 15% because you are prolific and I came across you after you'd posted a tonne. I've no doubt that others here are the same, and even your most loyal and longest friends like Draiad would probably love to see some of your older stuff and have the memory of that stream or interaction with you.


Glad to see an update from you, I always worry a bit about your health/what’s happening behind the scenes when you have an unexpected extended absence. I definitely echo the sentiments of all the other commenters and here’s hoping you’ll be able to get yourself back into a nice balance with art/life/etc again soon to help you feel (hopefully) better about everything :)