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Flo just punched me in the stomach so i had to give up

Salt asked for a pissed Noct

'Who are you to talk to him like that?!'

'I'm his father.'

'My question still stands'

'Noct what the hell!?'

Prompto takes his father side over Nocts

because duh

prom knows he's gonna be getting a whooping later

which he sees as kind of Nocts fault

rather than his PoS father

So imagine Proms father beats him

And he doesnt want anyone knowing

So he uses a potion

Prompto constantly hears about potions being wasted on him

And then roadtrip happens

The guys sometimes make comments

And they don't know the weight of their words

The trauma behind them




Oof poor bab


I...I hope it's another Flo you're talking about, because I don't remember doing that ^^"


Hahaha omg. Aunt flo aka that time of the month. You would never hurt me