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Dragon Prince Noctis

coming to collect the offering

Hmph and these humans think THEY're barbaric and here they are sacrificing lives of their own people

they just let the sacrifices go, or let them stay with them if they want

they cant return to their homes because it would seem like they ran from their duty

So everyone assumed the dragons killed the offering

gold to entice the dragon

and not too much cloth to get in the way of eating

Prompto thought he was okay with his fate

until faced with it

'he smells nice' thinks Noct

I kind of feel like the next part would be Noct taking him back to Insomnia, the capital for dragonfolk

Ignis takes one look at Prompto and is like 'Highness, did you forget something?'


'Oh yeah- I'm not going to eat you'

Prom's like 'y-you're not?'

'No, and you're too skinny anyway to be a decent meal'


'A joke, that was a joke.'


Ignis explains things to Prompto, how they usually let the offerings decide what to do

Let them keep the gold to use it ot barter

There's no rush to making a decision

Prom is like dragon catnip

Gladio, all gruff, 'smells kinda nice'

Prom doesn't have a clue what they mean

He thinks he smells kind of sweaty

He was sweating a lot

Noct takes him back to the citadel while he makes up his mind

Prompto finds Noct pretty aloof

but he's starting ot see its just his character

If you find the right subject he's all talk

And then of course every now and then he'll nuzzle into Promptos neck and smell him

Prom usually freaks out and smacks him away

Gladio and Ignis find it hilarious

He starts to get used to that too tho

tipping his head to the side when Noct approaches

Gladio and Ignis do it on a smaller scale

resting a hand on the back of his neck

Prompto decides he wants to stay

And that's Noct's cue

Let the courting begin




this is frosti catnip needs more

Kira Katzi

Aaaaaawwwww....that is such a sweet idea! I would love to see more of this AU. Art from you of course....and maybe somone could write a fanfiction about it?