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Prompto got negative marks for stopping to help a recruit

Cor is listing his mistakes

And Prompto in a fit of frustration - He's so damn sick of that clipboard

so he slaps it out of Cors hands

'How can we trust anyone to have our backs if we are all out for ourselves'

'I can understand leaving someone behind if Noct's life was at risk, but if we were truly in a battle or whatever, we only have eachother'

'What a stupid waste of a valuable resource'

'Give me negative marks but I'll do it again next time so you MIGHTASWELLFAILME'

'Are you going to fail him?'

'No, but he better get that temper of his under control'

'You know he reminds me of someone...'

'you better not say me...'

'No, please, he's far more interesting - I was going to say Cid'

Prompto rings Noct

'Noct I m-messed up'

'I heard!! You shouted at Cor!!'

'Wha- but, it was like 2 minutes ago...'

'Yeah, One of the recruits texted gladio'

'He's here! he wants to talk to you!!'

'I don't know how you walk around with balls like that squirt! What was his face like?????'

Ignis in the bg

'Oh, someone just sent me a recording'


the clipboard slap heard round the world


Noct is like 'Lets wait till Prompto gets here, we'll watch it together!'

lol ellay

Its turned into a remix

Prompto lives to cry another day




I'm getting some kinda dad!Cor feels from this.


Yeaaaa You tell him Prom! I laughed at Clarus' remark to Cor about Prom being more interesting xD