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(I may have been baiting Salt and Salt maaay be writing this 8D)


'keep up or youre being left behind'

*gets left behind*

Noct takes priority

im thinkiinnggg

Like imagine if one of the recruits was a spy infiltrating the citadel

and one day during training they set explosives and open the gates

theyre all so distracted by the explosives theyre not expecting the rest of the assault

and Cor hauls Prompto up more because he's within reach

Gladio picks up Noct who is out cold

And Cor is dragging Prom along until he needs to fight

And then he has to let go

because Gladio's hands are literally full

Theres injured recruits all over the place

some dead

ahh imagine Prompto getting separated

and by the time he gets to the doors the others went through theyre LOCKED


what a great day to see a dead body for the first time


because they have to try and protect Noct until the threat can be dealt with

And putting as many barricaded doors between him and them as possible

is step one

So Prom has no choice but to turn around and go back

Maybe he thinks he can help some of the injured recruits

never mind that he IS one of the injured recruits

I dont think he could just leave

he'd feel like a coward

but he's probably also heading back to fighting

he's dazed and in shock

hes not making great decisions

I figure The Glaive come in

and clean up

but not after Proms gone back and tried to help

probably had more intruders come in

Maybe he has to hide

imagine hiding under a body

theyre just shooting anything that moves


Imagine Noct waking up and hearing there was an attack and Prom maybe be dead along with a ton of others...


"We dont have an official number on casualties just yet"


....so if he's hiding under a dead body...and is hurt himself....is there a moment they think he's just another of the dead when they find him?


i was kind of imagining him dragging himself out and running smack into someone

either like Nyx or a badguy and then the Glaive appear

And then imagine after the stories coming in of Prompto helping

people are alive because of him

he's probably in a real bad way

and i feel like the bad guys knew they werent going to kill anyone of importance

but they've shaken the citadel to its core


when all the smoke clears, how are Gladio and Cor gonna feel when the realize they left him behind...

like, definitely doing their duty, but still poor Prom


i feel like Cor just

like he would be much more desensitised

Gladio , had he been by himself, would have tried hard to keep Prom with him

But Cor's like 'hes slowing us down and noctis has a higher chance of being hurt'

He doesnt have that emotional connection

Proms going to have some serious nightmares alone in his house for the next while

i feel like prom has damage on his back

maybe little shards

theres probably shouting, screaming and crying all around them




I love this so much, and like Cor's detachment from the situation that you mentioned story-wise is so him. Also like not to mention Prompto's frequent insecurities of being left behind but trying to keep up because everyone around him is so good and he's LITERALLY being left behind which breaks my heart!! Like the way he's sagging and being dragged is so good. I imagine Noct would be VERY unhappy when he wakes up but he looks hella knocked out. omg I just love this so much I can't say it enough!! Can't wait to Salt in the wounds that's coming too <3


Ughhh i love this because angst. I was wondering if I can write something based on this?