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It was supposed to be clubbing Prompto setting his sights on Noct but now looking at it after a while.

Im also getting some mechanic Prom vibes from it.

He is ready to take a look under your hood Noct.

Noct and co come back to get the regalia fixed so often Cindy is just like - "take him with you. It hurts me to see this car so often. I need some stuff from Lestallum - Prom can get it."


"You've been here this often and you don't even know his name?? Prompto, my mechanic. Don't let him get hurt"

Prom sits out the fights in the Regalia, reading comics or magazines. Has plenty of pics of the boys getting their asses handed to them, then one day one of the demons starts getting a bit close to the car and Proms like 'Oh I see, this is how the car gets destroyed so often...'

He gets out, goes into the trunk and pulls out some guns that he'd stashed before they left and makes quick work of them. The bullets maaaay be imbued with some demon energy.

Noct crests the embankment, face panicked - they had seen the demon getting away from them but were too caught up to stop him. Prom pats the regalia

"Don't worry buddy, I got you"

"You could fight this whole time and you didn't help" Gladio booms. "What kind of coward-"

"Eh, I don't work for you, my dude." Prom deadpans, "I'm here to fix your car and as payment you're letting me collect supplies in Lestallum. Now, if you'd asked nicely~"




This is such a good look for Prom, and I love this new style of shading/coloring you've been doing!