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'No he's really that dumb'


'How can you not know you've broken a bone??'

Proms like 'not cool Gladio'

And Nocts like 'shussshhh not the time. even i know its quiet time now'

I figure they're waiting on an ambulance to transfer him to the general hospital

Nocts like 'why can't he just go to the citadel med wing'

Cor's like 'he could take legal action for this kind of injury'

Gladio's like 'he wont, kid doesnt know shit about his rights....'

He and Ignis fill out the forms for him

So his bills are covered

'What am i signing?'

'This will ensure your medical bills are covered'

later 'I filed a suit against the crown?!?!?!'

'We've told you to read before you sign anything dumbass - its fine - Noct spoke to his dad first'

Regis agreed

Its all good



Virginia B

this is the cutest broken leg scenario omg

Anabel (latt)

Goodness i love Prompto's face of 'hey that's not nice' and Noctis just straight up being 😒