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I feel like Noct got chloroformed

The kidnappers made the mistake of totally underestimating the other children in the room

And KO'd Noct and Gladio was like stunned for a second

This was the first time ever that this has happened

So he is frozen for a second

And then he's like

listing it in his head what he needs to do

because its not quite second nature

Use the element of surprise to their advantage

Its the first time they've fought for real

They're also not the best

so they take a few hits

But they do enough to have time to grab Noct and get out the door and block it

So Gladio passes his phone to Ignis and tells him to call his dad

And Ignis is freakign out becuase it keeps going to voicemail

Clarus is in a meeting with Regis and Gladio's like 'keep trying, he'll realise'

And he's thinking 'okay - whats the procedure?'

Probably best to find somewhere safe

Maybe he decides to leave ignis and Noct locked somewhere

so he can lay a false trail

Ignis finally gets through

Clarus answers with a little impatience

'Gladiolus, I'm in a very important meeting this had better be good'

'U-Uncle Clarus'

Clarus is like RED ALERT


to get a call from ur son and then its not ur son and also hes crying

like o fuk


Imagine they get there shortly after Gladio's been caught

and he's bluffing saying that Ignis and Noct got out the back while he was giving them the run around

They mad

And he's a little worse for wear

And thats when Papa bear storms in

'If you could kindly remove your hands from my son before I remove them from your body' C:

He grabs Gladio in a chokehold to use as a shield

And Gladios like


I have trained extensively on how to get out of this

Here we go

Theyre subduing them when Cor comes in

'Did you find the boys?'

'Yes they were in the store room'

The guy is like 'u lil shit'

Gladio is smug af

Gladio is also probably trying to act like an adult

All ready to debrief

For Clarus this has probably been like, reality smacking him in the face

Its still his child

and him being hurt or killed is a very real possibility

They probably have nightmares for a little while after

Not Noct XD

he slept through it all

He was just like 'whu....zzzz'

Bit of a headache but no trauma

I figure here, Iggy deferred very much to Gladio

waiting for his orders

So after this, he wants to become stronger

because he feels like he should have been able to do more

Despite everyone telling them that they did wonderful

And everythign turned out as good as it could



Mama Val

I was RIVETED to my breakfast chair reading this y’all have really outdone yourselves with thisssss. I miss hitting the streams! But I’m so fortunate to be able to read the results. Thank you for continuing to do this!


They must have been some awful kidnappers - they didn't even Noct his socks off.