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Prompto had never felt as popular as he did in the week leading up to Valentines. Everywhere he went he was set upon by the female population of the school and not a few boys aswell. 

He doesnt think he's spoken to so many girls in his life. It would be great...

It would

It's just

"What kind of chocolate does Prince Noctis like?"

"Does Prince Noctis have a favourite colour?"

"What kind of hairstyle does Prince Noctis like?"

He's almost looking forward to reverting back to being invisible.


"Did you get many cards?" Noctis asks nonchalantly, a sliver of pink wrapping paper peeking from his backpack.

"That's cute, Noct, that you think I would get any. I feel special now." He keeps his tone light, jovial.

"Huh?" Noctis says intelligently.

"I didn't get any which is totally cool because it saves me the calories."


"The day isn't over yet." 




my heart is meltingggg ;; I love noct’s little grin at the end, he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing haha


Noct's smile at the end there is the bessssssst.