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also for words, sex robot


in this instance theyre basically human in bodily function

But programmable

im imagining Noct asking way too many questions rather than getting down to business

And Prompto getting frustrated and snippy

Like 'Are you gonna get hard?'

'Do you want me to be, sir?'

'Its weird otherwise'

'As you wish'

'Wait wait, are you not going to prepare yourself??'

'It is not necessary'

'Can you feel pain??'

Eventually he asks so many questions Prom huffs

'Would you prefer to do this another time sir?'

Nocts like 'geez sorry, i just dont know how physically close to human you are'

'The same essentially'

'So you can be hurt?'

'My pain receptors are blocked'

'That means you can still be hurt you just can't feel it'

'yes thank you for repeating what I inferred'


Noct being like 'Well, can we unblock them?'

'You...want me to feel pain?'

'No, I want you to be able to tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable.'

Imagine if there was the option to also turn off pleasure

Noct would be like

This is terrible, these robots need like a union or something

Prom is perpetually amused by him

Flirts with him

Noct is like 'No. Stop with your sexbot ways, I will not be fooled'

'mhmmm' *tugs the band of his trousers*

Him following Noct around groaning

'Why am i heeeere if you wont have sex with me??'

'what use do I have?'

'You can be my companion'

'*sexual* companion?'


LOL i just imagined

'Noctis, if I don't have sex...I explode...'

'What?? really????'


'You're lying.'

'How badly did you want to make a 'thats what she said' joke?? tell me?'

i feel like Prom is their top of the line model

and was gifted to the Lucis royal fam by the emperor


Here Noct



Alysha Atkinson

oh I am so noct here lol. also how awkward would it be gifting your son a sexbot,, less awkward than owning a sexbot your son's age I guess


bless noctis for being concerned with proms consent/pleasure ;; what a good bean. I absolutely love the way you’ve drawn the fabric here, very flow-y drape. and their expressions are perfect too!