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Gnine asked for some sick Prom whump with feverish passing out

'Prompto, did someone break in'

'No...I just passed out...i think'


Ignis pauses 'Prompto, what day is it?'


'It's sunday, Prompto'

'Shi- my science project...whooaa, stop moving you guys'

'Doc said you can go as soon as the bag is empty'

'Ignis is getting your prescription'



'Why don't you ever call me when you need help?'




Mmmm...it came out so wonderfully (and heey, Salt's to blame too! ^____- Poor Prom, between the three of us, there was no way he could win >_>) Do so love Noct's question at the end...oh boys T.T


Prom bby take care of yourself 😥


man that last exchange w noct asking why he never comes to him for help 💔 all the expressions throughout this are so well done and carry us through the story with ease. I also really really love how you draw younger gladio!


oof i had the same reaction to that. So in character!


Ask. Your. Friends. For. Help. Damn. It. Prompto.


i absolutely adore the perspective in that panel where Ignis is checking for Prom's pulse. Like damn. Also the last line hurts my heart, but it's so good! Yes to all of this - the closeups, the dialogue, the character expressions/interactions, just everything