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I just melt for prompto in danger and gladio rescuer T.T

Anabel (latt)

Younger Gladio is I dunno i just love it. I could yell about your panel progressions as well cuz they build up suspense is such a gratifying way

Ellay Gee

The wolf whistle has been tainted!!! In the most gloriousbway possible. Woohoo for convenient gladio


Oh no protect him gladio!


Also just.. prompto expression when they mention the alley - just oof. Big oof. He’s like no no nooope no nope no way. Good thing Gladdy showed up!! Every pic last night was just pure gold lol

Jacquelyn Mela

I didn't notice the guys all beat up in the background until I saw it again just now! Serves them right, lol.


I love that there isn't even a question about whether Gladio can take on two pretty big guys on his own - one panel they're standing, the next they're in a heap on the ground XD


gladdy looks PISSED i love it