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I know updates have been slow lately but I've hit a bit of a block with it D:

I always find it hard to get a chapter going. Just to reassure that I will get back to regular updates and try to do a bit of extra catching up too.

Its not that I don't know what's coming its more that I BLOCK on the panel arrangement and they end up boring or stagnant and I reuse the same pattern which I try to avoid (even if 3 in a row are my fave to do) 

I mean it's nothing groundbreaking haha but I also wanted to reassure that I'm VERY much still invested in it just in case you were worried I was losing interest.

Either way I'm gonna agonise over it a bit rn XD I still love it and IM SO EXCITED for Chapter 6...at times I think thats the problem XD I want 5 to be over and done with.



Hi! Asa here, I don't think I've commented before but I just wanted to let you know that I love your work and support you wholeheartedly. Please remember that your health and happiness comes first. I will be sticking around and lapping up any of your art and updates, on Sleight of Hand and anything else, however frequently or infrequently you choose to post. Take care!


Awww Asa!!! Thank you! I'm legitimately touched, thanks <3 Art blocks happen, they're just a pain in the ass. I'm hoping KH3 will light a bit of a fire too. I've been doing much better tho since I started my meds a month and a half ago and the flu jab I got has saved me from many child related germs xD Thank you fo taking the time to leave these kind words


Being a writer I can super relate. Like the next part is the beeest and ahhh but first we have to get there... bleh. Lol so I completely understand. It’ll come to you when you’re ready, so take your time. In that same lane of though, I find it highly unlikely SoH would bore us even if you used the same panel layout a million times in a row. You say doing threes is your fave? F*ck it! Do threes! Do what’s fun for *you* cause I can pretty much guarantee if you’ve had fun making it, that’ll shine through and we will definitely have fun (painful, painful fun) reading it. You do you, dude. We’ll be here for it!


Oh man I felt that on a molecular level. Yesterday I finally had time to work on my pet project and I had been fantasizing about the page all week so I knew exactly what content I wanted it to have but I ended up spending 3 whole hours rearranging panels and made no real progress. RIP. Anyway I read your post and was like yeeeep. Good to know it’s not just me. :)


Take your time! Your health and happiness come first and we’ll still be here 💛🌻 Hope the new year has been kind to you.


Not worries ;)Take your time

Lady Saevam

Take your time!!! We love you!!


Don't even worry about it! Like everyone else said, you just take your time! And honestly I wouldn't be too hard on yourself over the 3 panel-style. It's a very effective mode of story telling and you're telling a very slice-of-life story that doesn't call in the need for dynamic paneling that superhero/action comics do. And even then, there are very popular action comics that use the 3 in-a-row lineup to tell the story such as Hawkeye and Nimona. The simplicity of it lets you focus on the story and art more without too much of an hierarchy on which panels are more "valuable" than others so it allows us readers to go through and appreciate each part with equal value, at least that's how I see it.


Was this comic discontinued? I can't find anything from after chapter 5 page 3.