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You wanted some more Officer!Iggy, here you go.

you know the way young children tell their parents they hate them

as a test

to see if they'll still love them

I feel like Ignis has been nothing but good to Prompto

if a bit preachy

But Prompto has been let down by every adult in his life

So maybe he needs to push Iggys buttons

and have it happen sooner rather than later

So he can feel vindicated in his distrust of authority

and also to protect his feelings

because he never gets anything good so why would it happen now

'I'm sticking my neck out for you Prompto!'

'If it's such a bother maybe you should stop'

Ignis knows what's happening

But the gentle approach isn't going to be effective either

'Why are you so determined to fail?'

'You're a seriously bright kid Prompto, but you shoot yourself in the foot at every turn'

'Whats the point in trying?!'

'Are you happy like this Prompto?'

'What's that got-'

'Dont you want to be?'

'Whether I want to be or not doesn't make a difference!'

'It makes all the difference.'

'That's easy for you to say'

'It is, but it took work to get here'

I kind of imagine it inevitably ends in him breaking through Promptos defences

and he starts to cry

And Ignis angles his body so he can squeeze Promptos hand without the camera seeing it

'I cant be the only person wanting you to succeed Prompto'

'I'm sorry Iggy, I'm s-so sorry'

he's gotta pay bail to get out

usually Ardyn does it but thats just more he owes him


also like - even if it's just a hand squeeze and he's in handcuffs - i feel like a small gesture like that would mean soo much


So Ignis calls Noct and asks a favour

Ignis never asks for anything so Noct is like 'I have my cheque book ready!!!'

Thats probably the weirdest part for Prompto

He doesnt recognise the guy coming to bail him out

But Ignis is there holding his shoulder like 'It's fine, go with him'

Prom probably thinks Ardyn's too busy

So he's sent some underling to like....drop him in a lake

Especially with Gladdy standing intimidatingly behind Noct

But Ignis is like 'Take him back to mine, get some food in him'

'Thank you Noctis'

The shoulder squeeze

Ignis has another 2 hours left in his shift

Then he and Prompto are going to properly talk




What an incredible scenario. It makes complete sense and i love that this is how Prom meets Noct and Gladio properly in this universe (after theyve looked in on him sleeping hahaha) Prompto's petulant expression is perfect and dear. I love everything


This is THE BEST. You definitely delivered and I love this scenario so much it pains me. Prom’s got a good reason for being a bad boy and even so Iggy ain’t havin none of it


Gosh I never get tired of Officer!Iggy - also like Prompto's face is so petulant but also hurt at the same time. Also I love the oversized shirt on him, it hints to all kinds of trouble he got himself in (or Arydn did hrmmm). ALso gotdamn iggy looks so sexy when he's angry

Jacquelyn Mela

This is one of my favorite AUs! I love the idea of Prom trying to push Ignis like that. Gotta protect himself from all sides.


Aooghghh this AU ♥ Prom's expression is so heartbreaking. I love the emotion Iggy is also showing, you can feel his frustration. I just want to hug Prom ; w; Also Noct having his checkbook at the ready gives me so many warm and fuzzies xDD