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Following on from this 

I was talking ot G9 about last nights pic and building the story up a bit.

Prompto's sent away and he knows no one is going to be calling him so he's left to his own devices and those are pretty self destructive at the best of times.

Ignis and Gladio aren't very kind either after and when he tries to ask for someone to mayeb drive him home - it's late at night and the Citadel is far from his house. So he's got a long walk ahead of him late at night.

He takes refuge in running because when he's pounding the footpath his thoughts are clear which is great but he's overdoing it and the only result is going to be injury.

I was googling 'torn hamstring' and the description is GROSS.

So he's now housebound and it's killing him to move around.

In the meantime Noct wakes and he absolutely flays everyone. Why do they always assume the worst of Prompto, so now theyre all hurrying to make amends.

"What...are you doing in my house?"

When i was drawing this I kind of had this dialogue of Gladio trying ot diffuse the situation by jokingly saying 

'We leave you alone for 2 days...' and Promptos like 'Are you....seriously making a joke of this?' and Gladio doesnt like being made feel bad so hes going to be prickly, Ignis isn't far behind tho and he'll help.

Prompto probably ends up in the bed beside Noct




Noctis would verbally batter his own father for Prompto's sake, 100%. Tho I still really wanna know what happened to Noct too!


Prom's face here. He's not just surprised he's almost scared. Like he's expecting to be hurt again. Which BREAKS MAH HEART. Gladio shut your big dumb mouth D< What caused Noct to be down for the count in the first place? I'll be commenting a lot as I go through these. Prepare for the flood. 😅