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[04:34, 11/23/2018] Julie: Prompto never got very close to Noctis

[04:34, 11/23/2018] Julie: He tried but Noctis was very firmly discouraged from letting him get close

[04:34, 11/23/2018] Julie: due to his ethnicity

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): T.T

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: So they were school friends

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: but nothing more

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: So when Insomnia fell Prompto was still there

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: He got out but he was all alone

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: and learned very fast that it was kill or be killed

[04:35, 11/23/2018] Julie: So he started getting in with the hunters

[04:36, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Oh Prom! Course he'd figure it out

[04:36, 11/23/2018] Julie: and they trained him but it was redundant in a sense because as soon as he picked up a gun he was killer

[04:36, 11/23/2018] Julie: So he stuck with them until WoR happened

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Also I love the double holsters

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: I kind of feel like his skill with a gun goes beyond natural talent

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Suuuuch a hot look

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: like theres definitely something suspect about it

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: haha

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: Like his accuracy is a bit TOO good

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: and sometimes its like theres magic involved

[04:37, 11/23/2018] Julie: but its a normal gun

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lil bit of MT sneaking in

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Julie: So WoR

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Julie: And all the hunters start working their way towards Lestallum to help out where they can

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Julie: So he goes with

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Julie: And he ends up making friends with Demonslayer Iris

[04:38, 11/23/2018] Julie: He is making zero connections

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Julie: And by proxy of knowing her he meets Cor

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hehe, of course he does, aww Prom

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Julie: I kept having this image

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Julie: where they've been working together for a year or so and Iris works up the courage to confess

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Julie: And he's like

[04:39, 11/23/2018] Julie: OH BOY

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lol

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: And he's like 'Iris you're a great girl'

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: and shes like 'yeah ok, no need to go for the its not you its me act'

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: and he's like

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Im VERY gay'

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: And shes like

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'oh.'

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hehehe

[04:40, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Oh that I can deal with'

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lemme intro you to my bro

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lol

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'So when you were jokingly flirting with the Marshall?'

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Joking????'

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): D'awwww oh noes Prom

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Julie: She thought he was just trying to get a blush out of the marshall

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Julie: which he did

[04:41, 11/23/2018] Julie: more than once

[04:42, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Heeee

[04:42, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Go Prom

[04:42, 11/23/2018] Julie: And yeah she's like

[04:42, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'I need to introduce you to my bro!'

[04:42, 11/23/2018] Julie: And thats the last pic and Gladio's like 'TF, you dare touch my baby sis'

[04:43, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Bahahaha

[04:43, 11/23/2018] Julie: Proms like 'to be fair - shes the one who's all over me'

[04:43, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladios cracking his knuckles

[04:44, 11/23/2018] Julie: Proms just like 'wow, over protective much like Iris isn't out here kicking ass and taking names left and right. If she doesnt want attention, she's gonna make sure you know'

[04:44, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Heee oh Prom, you're the best

[04:44, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladio's taken aback because he wasnt expecting that

[04:45, 11/23/2018] Julie: Iris is smug af

[04:45, 11/23/2018] Julie: Lol i can imagine her being like 'besides, he turned me down'

[04:45, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'YOU DARE!'

[04:45, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Gods, make up your mind

[04:46, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Bahahaha

[04:46, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Love it

[04:46, 11/23/2018] Julie: But yes

[04:46, 11/23/2018] Julie: she's like 'Allow me to introduce my overprotective dick of a brother Gladiolus Amicitia - he means well.'

[04:47, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Wait! WAAAAAAAAIIITT.....Amicitia??? Like as in the King's shield?????'

[04:47, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'You didnt know?'

[04:48, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'You never said - I was ready to assume your first name was Demonslayer and your second was Iris!'

[04:48, 11/23/2018] Julie: He blurts out that he went to school with Noctis

[04:48, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Heeeee

[04:49, 11/23/2018] Julie: and its met with 'what, shut up! really??'

[04:49, 11/23/2018] Julie: from Irish and Gladios just kind of uncomfortable because he and Ignis are still a bit wounded over Nocts disappearance

[04:49, 11/23/2018] Julie: i knew it

[04:49, 11/23/2018] Julie: i'd eventually type irish

[04:49, 11/23/2018] Julie: I was goign so good too

[04:50, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lol

[04:50, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): We've all been there

[04:50, 11/23/2018] Julie: So i figure He continues to work with Iris

[04:50, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Or the equivalent

[04:50, 11/23/2018] Julie: He also refrains from mentioning his preference

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Julie: the moment being overtaken by AMICITIA????

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Ahhhh

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Julie: And Gladio and Ignis figure it out quick enough

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Julie: Because Proms flirty af

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Oh Prom

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Can't blame him really

[04:51, 11/23/2018] Julie: And Cor is his fave target which Gladio thinks is his favourite thing in the whole world

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): I mean, faced with so much hottness

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Dont you have better things to do Argentum??'

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'mmhhmmm'

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Julie: looks him up and down

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): 😆

[04:52, 11/23/2018] Julie: Cor's like 'Go away'

[04:53, 11/23/2018] Julie: by the time Nocts due to return Prom is firm friends with most of them

[04:53, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hehehe, oh Cor, good luck with that 😂

[04:54, 11/23/2018] Julie: But i figure he doesnt really go hunt with anyone other than Cor and Iris

[04:54, 11/23/2018] Julie: And off by himseelf sometimes

[04:54, 11/23/2018] Julie: Spends some time in Hammerhead

[04:54, 11/23/2018] Julie: I kind of imagine Cor taking Gladio and Ignis aside

[04:55, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'I know this sounds strange but I would consider taking him with you when the time comes - there's more to that boy than we know'

[04:56, 11/23/2018] Julie: When Noct returns he's greeting his buds and sees Prom and just goes 'Prompto? Prompto Argentum??'

[04:56, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Dude, you remember me!'

[04:56, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yay, go Cor!

[04:57, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Good instincts

[04:57, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Awww

[04:58, 11/23/2018] Julie: Ardyn also was not prepared for Prompto being there

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Julie: He'd been keeping an eye on the others

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Julie: btu he had no reason to notice Prompto

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yay...Noct and Prom not being friends is always the saddest but so love all these aus😆

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yaas, secret weapon Prom!

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Julie: I figure he says a lot of things that really traumatise Prom during the final fight

[04:59, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): 😫

[05:00, 11/23/2018] Julie: But it only gives Prom more incentive and strenght

[05:00, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladio, Ignis and Noctis are like WTF

[05:00, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Prooooom! You rock so much!

[05:00, 11/23/2018] Julie: When one of Proms shots knocks Ardyn flat

[05:01, 11/23/2018] Julie: like they're not healing as fast or being deflected

[05:01, 11/23/2018] Julie: And he gets in with the link strikes with the boys

[05:01, 11/23/2018] Julie: it all feels very natural

[05:01, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Beeeeest!

[05:01, 11/23/2018] Julie: Ardyn starts to mess up because now he's worried

[05:02, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hazahh

[05:02, 11/23/2018] Julie: They defeat him - EVERYONE LIVES

[05:02, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Badass Prom, also the best

[05:02, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yaaas

[05:03, 11/23/2018] Julie: I can see Prom going on a bit of a journey of self discovery after

[05:03, 11/23/2018] Julie: To the effect of Ep Prompto

[05:04, 11/23/2018] Julie: Maybe Verstael never went weird monster

[05:04, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yeees, you deserve that Prom

[05:04, 11/23/2018] Julie: And has  been working during WoR

[05:04, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Does anyone go with him?

[05:04, 11/23/2018] Julie: Maybe he has  some of Ardyn's dna for a new batch of clones

[05:05, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Shiiit that's not good

[05:05, 11/23/2018] Julie: But yeah It could be the boys or Aranea owes them a favour

[05:06, 11/23/2018] Julie: Noctis is probably needed to stay in Insomnia for the rebuilding

[05:06, 11/23/2018] Julie: Maybe Iris stays with Noct in Gladio's stead and Iggy stays with him too

[05:07, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladio goes with Prom and it's rough

[05:07, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Aww

[05:07, 11/23/2018] Julie: Some of it plays out the same - him killing Verstael

[05:07, 11/23/2018] Julie: and the huge monster

[05:08, 11/23/2018] Julie: The Ardyn clones are a disaster

[05:08, 11/23/2018] Julie: Maybe one gets away unknown to them

[05:09, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): I'll bet

[05:09, 11/23/2018] Julie: And Prom goes through Zegnautus

[05:09, 11/23/2018] Julie: listens to all the recordings

[05:09, 11/23/2018] Julie: Even sees the room where he would have been held

[05:09, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): T.t

[05:10, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Ep Prompto is still so sad

[05:10, 11/23/2018] Julie: Sees his face in the tubes

[05:10, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Proooom

[05:10, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladio and Aranea are like

[05:10, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Theres nothing more for us here, lets head back...'

[05:11, 11/23/2018] Julie: Noctis and Ignis are waiting for them on the steps when they return

[05:11, 11/23/2018] Julie: Prompto is very subdued

[05:12, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Oh boooooys

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Julie: I imagine somewhere much later Prompto is really smothering under his self worth issues and his lack of identity

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Julie: and Noctis telling him that this time he has his back and he won't be stopped from being friends with Prompto a second tiime

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Julie: Prom's like 'huh?'

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Nooooct

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Julie: And he tells Prompto how he had so badly wanted to be friends with him

[05:13, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): D'awwww

[05:14, 11/23/2018] Julie: Proms just like 'Oh.' and then smiles his biggest goofiest smile

[05:14, 11/23/2018] Julie: and Nocts like 'uh oh'

[05:15, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yas, Noct and Prom's friendship continues to give me life

[05:15, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): How are they so adorable

[05:15, 11/23/2018] Julie: I kind of imagine everyone knows that he was their secret weapon

[05:15, 11/23/2018] Julie: and without him they wouldnt have won

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: So they're going to look after him

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: He's had a shit run

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): I love how many wonderful versions you've come up with if their bond developing

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: They treat him to stuff, hang out with him when Noct has time available

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yaas, support and love your Prom

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: Iris is like

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Are you...WOOING him???'

[05:16, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'W-what??'

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hehehe

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Julie: Starts checking stuff off on her fingers

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Courting gifts'

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'dates'

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'love letters'

[05:17, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'T-theyre just messages!!'

[05:18, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Even BETTER - you're all wooing him and you didnt even realise!!'

[05:18, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Suuuure, keep telling yourself that

[05:18, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'I think i need to chaperone! Actually maybe Cor!'

[05:18, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Snerk

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Julie: They all are like 'NO'

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Julie: to that

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Evol Iris, evol

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Julie: because when Cors around Proms like

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Hi hello handsome'

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'I like what you've done with your face'

[05:19, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Hahaha

[05:20, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'I havent done anything with my face'

[05:20, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): And jealousy abounds without prom realizing at all

[05:20, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'A natural beauty'

[05:20, 11/23/2018] Julie: Cor's like

[05:20, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'That can't taste good..'

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'What??'

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Julie: 'Talking shit all day'

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Lol

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Niiiiice Cor, nice

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Julie: Prom would giggle

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Julie: and theyre like

[05:21, 11/23/2018] Julie: DID HE FUCKMN GIGGLE

[05:22, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Homg Prom has noo idea they're all crushing does he

[05:22, 11/23/2018] Julie: not an iota

[05:23, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Prom, ilovu

[05:23, 11/23/2018] Julie: Eventually he catches on

[05:23, 11/23/2018] Julie: Nocts been holding his hand for a week or two

[05:24, 11/23/2018] Julie: Ignis' gentle touches he's chalked up to him being blind and needing physical touch

[05:24, 11/23/2018] Julie: but like....he doesnt do it with anyone else

[05:24, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Suuuure Prom, just like keep telling yourself that

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: Gladio's advances are more noogies and hair ruffles

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: gruff compliments

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Oh Gladio

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: So all boys in luv

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: which is great

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: But

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Yaaay ot4

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: There's a pesky clone running around

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Jeannine (G9): Uh oh

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: and he has his sights set on a particular blonde

[05:25, 11/23/2018] Julie: 8D

[05:26, 11/23/2018] Julie: TBC




It makes me a lil sad that this Prom seems happier than the Prom that was with the crew since the beginning


I love this design!! Prom looks so good with the double holsters. AND IRIS!!! OMG!! LOVE IT!! The idea of Prom never having been able to befriend them is so sad, but the way you wove the story and his joining the Hunters at least means he wasn't totally alone. His friendship with Iris is adorable, and the part of him having to turn her down LOL!! xD I love his flirting with Cor, and his intro to Gladio how he's not intimidated at all. This Prom seems a little more sure of himself and that's a really attractive idea. 8D