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So Noct got chased by a mob of girls

and ducked into the first open door after turning a corner

and whipped the sign

Proms like 'I hope youre not planning to rob the place - a florist is hardly a lucrative target'

Noct turns around and is all

'I'm so sorry, can I just hide in here until my retainer arrives to get me?'

'P-Prince Noctis!!'


'Oh no my baby!!'

'Crap - is there anything I can do to help?'

'Get the pot over there - not that one! The one with soil in it'

Noct can't believe he's being bossed around

If its not Gladio and Ignis telling him what to do

It's cute blonde florists

Proms apologising to the plant (he totally names all the plants and talks and sings to them)

Cooing at it

Nocts all 'It can't hear you...and im pretty sure it wont hold a grudge'

'Ughhh you're gonna make him die out of spite'

'Touch wood'

'No D< Don't touch Reggie! You've done enough damage'

But theres a smile starting to creep

Prom is like , No offense your Highness but, I need to turn that sign. I need this job and this store is supposed to be open. You can hide down here'

Noct gets to alternate between chatting nerdy to Prom

and listening to him give plant care advice to customers

A flustered Iggy arrives

and the Glaives with him are a bit of a giveaway

as nocts about to leave

Prom's all

Here - have a memory.'

Noct's glad Gladio wasnt there

he would never have left him live it down

The smile Ignis is hiding behind his hand is bad enough

'That was a kind gesture....'

Ignis says fishing

'Whats that there? on the stem'




This is hecka cute right here.


I think I've died and gone to heaven because of how adorable this is. Every single picture looks so amazing aa