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I finally worked out some story for this pic 




oh i was feeling like

so when i drew the other

i didnt have any idea come to mind

but drawing this now

i feel like it wasnt a demon

It was THEM fighting

And Gladio was being super self destructive

going on hunts by himself that would have given a group trouble

So Ignis is like 'Prompto i hate to ask this of you, but can you go get him'

And Gladio is practically feral whehn he finds him

Keeps telling Prompto to fuck off

and when Prompto tries to stop him he gets put on his ass

But Proms not gonna be caught by surprise twice

Gladio hasnt been paying any attention to what Proms been up to

and he's been hardcore training with Cor

So he's very evenly matched - esp considering Gladio is blind with anger

So they fight and it's brutal

But Prompto is only trying to disarm and knock out

So yeah he gains the upper hand

Knocks him out and then drags him to the truck where he's also picked up a few survivors on his way

Gets Gladio to the clinic in Lestallum

And Gladio is not grateful

He's too prideful

But he;s starting to see the error

So he tells Prompto to leave

And Ignis visits him later and tears into him

After probably lists Prompto's injuries

Its the reality check he needed

So yes, apologies will happen

Prom will brush them off with a smile

Imagine 8D

Gladio being like 'we good?? hug it out??'

And Proms like 'okay bro'

Not thinking it through

But of course he's all hurts

so he hisses in pain

and Gladio's like

PROPER apology then

Stays to look after Prompto a while

i imagine he got med assist

but with them saving potions

it was a case of suck it up, 2 weeks you'll be able to go back on hunts

Gladio nurses him and while he's there feelings catch

and yesss

yess i figure thats why Prom has Gladios jacket on

despite it all he still wants to protect gladio

because all those bruises are inflicted by him

He won, but it sure doesnt feel like it




Angsty WOR Promptio. Just the icing on this week's cake. Yes please <3


I remember this one from tumblr. I love your WOR ideas of the boys ;A;