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Alyxandria Fletcher

Worst birthday. Ignis better make him a cake to apologize


not to be dark but, man, i've lived a very similar life to this (though i was graduated at the time) and reading this reminds me of that feeling of dread (it's ok though this comic is why i'm part of your patreon!!) But. If Prompto is feeling anything that I was feeling when I was going through this-- he probably doesn't want to be alive much longer. Like, what's there left for him without Noct and co. yknow? It hurts me


Oh goodness poor prom. The panel where he is holding his face and crying really broke me :( I just want to hug him


Ay no I don't like where this is going!!! Someone help him and dump his parents off the HIGHEST of cliffs!!!! DX (I live for the angst though so it's all good XD but also NOT GOOD AT ALL MY HEART! MY POOR CHILD OF SUNLIGHT!!)


ohhhhhh i hate her i hate herrrrrrrr. I need my comfort to my hurt soon or im gonna actively cry!


I want to reach through my screen and hug this boy ಥ_ಥ


He ... he could have waited for a better day when he was feeling stronger to call his mother, but he didn't. He called her because some small part of him that secretly knew better was hoping she was going to wish him a happy birthday, didn't he?


Noct, I think it's about time you sneak out and go see Prompto because someone has to help him D: Look at him, he's breaking down...


He looks so utterly defeated. Urgh, it makes me worry that he's reaching his breaking point.


asdkfj that look of quiet despair and resignation is like a stab through the heart. this boi had better be treated like a PRINCE after everything is sorted! :'(


I'll just lie here and die. Also I signed up just for this awesome, amazing comic, so thank you so much for your awesome art. I guess I'm a masochist to pay for emotional torment. It stings so good x_x It just keeps going from bad to worse for this poor bean. PROTECT HIM!


Face thats so sweet hahaha, Thank you for signing up! I've been behind on my pages atm because im currently smothering under a cold so its hard to work. BUT IM SAT AT THE COMP so some should come later! Thank you!!


Yikes, feel better and take your time!! Prompto fans are patient, (contrary to his name : x )
