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So this is awful but I liked the idea that was in my head while I was drawing it.

I kind of imagined there was a terrorist attack on Insomnia by the Niffs and Prompto got caught in the fray. Cue Gladio having to take him to the hospital and seeing first hand the kind of discrimination someone like Prompto faces on a regular basis.

At first they refuse to help - most of the casualties in the hospital are a result of the attack and then when they eventually (under duress) agree to admit him he’s left waiting an indeterminate amount of time.

They don’t realize who exactly Gladio is or his importance.

I imagine eventually he starts shouting and ordering and namedropping until Prompto is looked after. The people in charge are called - security probably recognize Gladio before the staff...he’s also pretty dusty and scraped up himself. But he’s also being left to wait as he’s considered a sympathizer.

Apologies happen but Prompto had deteriorated considerably in the time waiting - maybe Gladio himself had to administer further first aid. He’s going to have a hard time coming to terms with this kind of discrimination happening in his perfect Insomnia right under his nose.

Prompto is eventually admitted but will not be staying long as Gladio does not trust them with his care and the sooner he’s in the med wing in the Citadel the better.




I’m equal parts ‘Oh no!’ And ‘Oh yeees!’




gods prompto looks so limp and helpless here my heart aches

Ellay Gee

Hey looks so protective!!! And angry!!! I loves it.


Um, I love this backstory so much.


All the tears... love Gladio's expression, he looks so distraught and protective! Sooo angsty, sooooo good!!


I need this in fic form too! :O I can so imagine Gladio trying to keep calm and rational because a lot of people were hurt and MAYBE there are more serious cases being handled and eventually he's just so mad because COME ON, the kid isn't even conscious! Definitely be throwing his weight around, that is 100% Gladio.


This is heartbreaking ; w; Such a wake up call for Gladio, especially if Prom never says anything about what he must experience day to day. Probably he feels he's lucky enough to have their company/friendship and keeps this kind of thing to himself so as to not do/say anything that might jeopardize having them in his life.