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Noooo he looks so sad in the poster ಥ_ಥ his poor eye


Literally my heart fell right through my stomach!!!


Yessss, because you know that photo probably wasnt legally obtained either - a snap taken when he was being held until the police got there

Virginia B

oh no!!! people can be so cruel, poor prompto! 💔


Oh my god my heart just dropped. Proms face when he sees the poster...

Lady Saevam

My stomach clenched and my heart broke. Prom!! Promp!! You need so much love. Gods, I get where Iggy and Regis are coming from in wanting to protect Noct's image, but I doubt they knew the social fallout Prompto would experience. I am sure if Ignis were to walk in and see the harassment and Prompto's face, he'd regret his decision (I mean, he already has his doubts) probably a hundredfold :<<<<

Lady Saevam

Upon reading that panel with Noct and Prom, I am wondering if it's Prom saying "No" or if it's Noct. I like to think that it's Noct, which implies that perhaps Noct's guerrilla protection of Prom may have backfired and provoked the Bag of Dicks to do this stunt. But also if it's Prom saying "no" it's just as heart-breaking, because the implication here is that, Prom probably assumed that Noct didn't understand/know why Prompto was avoiding him so this whole time, Prompto's been carrying around that he's hurting Noct to protect Noct from his own (Prompto's) bad reputation.

Ellay Gee

I was just so filled with rage my while body tingled!!! Dammit! Thing amazing


I literally just gasped SO FUCKING HARD WHEN THAT POSTER SHOWED UP. OH MY GOD. (ノ ̄□ ̄)ノ ~┻━┻


Yessss - you know that was taken by the shop keep and Prompto was not in a good (or safe) place right then


Oh yeah - Ignis will definitely be going all out to make it up to prompto when the time comes. It's sad but tehy do have to prioritise everything about Noct and it's not always fin. I feel like Ignis would have been angry at first because Prompto was so good for Noctis that this feels like such a betrayal.


To me it was Prompto - if you don't see a tail out of the bubble it's generally an internal thought, but like - if you want to imagine it's Noct please feel free. Noctis totally doen't understand why Prompto was cut off from him -only that Ignis had to go bail him out which is quite damning evidence but at the same time....he'd trust Prompto's character enough to assume there was a good reason for it. THe others don't offer him the same nor do they really have the luxury


Awwww man I love that when you get a visceral response to something.


Thank you!! I hadn't initially planned on the grafitti when I first did the rough but it just happened when I was doing the actual inking!


//CRAWLS INTO A HOLE ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽