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ALL of Prom's birthday

I'll do 13 and 14 before i head home to vote (Irish presidential election and a blasphemy ref on Fri)

But until I get it done here's the outline 

I want to do something a bit more interesting with the panels at the bottom of 14 with Domnus being a bag of dicks

I always have to stop myself from doing an entire comic of sequential pics XD 

It's like an anonymous group - It's been 5 pages since I did....




So what you're saying is Prom basically has the worst b-day ever T.T Oh baaaab!

Lady Saevam

That little "weh" on the last page killed me. Poor Prom. I hope someone reaches out to him soon!


Lok I leave reminders for myself because I'll look at that to draw it Monday and be like... is that a hand or a head...

Lady Saevam

So this may be me missing a cultural/canon lore, but is Prom's living situation like Noct's? Like he has an apartment in order to attend the high school because his family lives further away for work reasons and so they're like- if you want to attend that school you're responsible for maintaining your living situation? Or are his parents just working far away/absent? Also because I went to a school without lockers...what did DB do to Prom's locker- I guess spilled something smelly in there (my brain went to pee but I am not sure if I went to an extreme hahah)