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i had 2 ideas

but theyre both a bit much to start now


The first was a boarding school situation at holidays

Where they all know Prompto but they dont KNOW prompto

So N.G and I head home for winter break

And Prom's like 'hahah have a great time'

But no ones at home in his place so he has to stay at the school

And theyre all texting and Proms like 'haha...yeahhhh...>__>'

'Gimme your address so i can send youre gift'

'you can give it to me when you get back

Prom gets sick over break

Spends it in the infirmary of the school

alllll alone

Prom's embarrassed to admit it

and they probably go a year or two before he's caught

maybe it's that sickness that gives the game away.


And then the second idea wassss

A Prince Prompto story

Where he's enrolled on the sly in Insomnia to learn about Lucian custom

Accidentally befriends Prince Noctis

And theres a bunch of aborted attempts to tell him

And it goes on so long that he just CAN'T now

Because wow does it ever look suspicious


Im makin this up as i go

All i had was the first part


It's leaked that he's there

but Niflheim prided itself on privacy and keeping the prince out of the media

So no one actually knows what he looks like aside froma select few

And Prompto suddenly finds himself surrounded by all these enraged people


'Where is this guy??'


Theres these attacks on refugees in the city

To try and get him to come forward

Assassins literally WAITING

Maybe Prom lives with guards

Aranea >__>

And they're adamant - Absolutely not - under no circumstance can he reveal himself

Lucis will get the attacks under control

But there are people who know who Prompto is *cough Glauca cough*

All inevitably ends with Prompto taking a bullet

Which they're all like 'oh look - he stepped in and saved Nocts life'

'You should join our crownsguard...'

Only theres these Niff royal guards who need to get intot he citadel

to the hospital wing

'S...surprise' says Prom

complete with shaky jazz hands

Prom's in and out of it

Noct isn't allowed visit him anymore

Everyones hostile or standoffish at first

Gladio and Ignis respectively

I figure Prompto explains himself to Ignis because he was one of the only willing to listen

Because unless Prom was playing the long con - which was a possibility, he had innumerable opportunities to hurt Noctis, had access to intel he did nothign with

On one memorable occasion plugged his ears

'lalalala im a civilian i cant hear this'

And then Ignis talks to Noctis and then the notes start being passed through Ignis

Noctis was probably trusting enough anyway

Just needed ignis to acquiesce

Much later after he's recovered 'So...is that position in the Crownsguard still up for grabs?'

Gladio's like 'Prompto - theres only one way you'd be travellign with us'

As Ignis throws murder eyes at Gladio

Proms not getting it

Noct on the other hand blurts out


Proms like 'Dude plz, take me to dinner first'

They'll be bro married

It'll be so much fun

Totally backwards - marriage first then the relationship comes WAY later

Like Prom agrees because a. his bro

and b. it puts a stop to all the silly business Niflheims been up to

they'll probably both have heirs on the side

until they both catch feelings

They were both like 'BEST FRANDS' and we'll do our royal duties and it will be great - best of all the worlds

Ignis saw this train wreck coming a MILE away

'We're bringing two tents' he says to Gladio when they're about to go on their roadtrip

Gladios like 'why tho D:'

Aranea's like 'i'll bring an RV and sleep in that kthx'

So yeahhhhh



The prince prom one gives me a lot of angsty feel 😏😏 I mean, the other one too actually 🤔


They both have such wonderful angsty potential, how can one choose? XD