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'Why don't Gladiolus and Ignis come to Hammerhead anymore?'

'No one here they wanna see I guess'

'Cindy's here'

'Ouch, et tu Talcott'

'Seriously tho?'

'You see them more than me, your guess is as good as mine'

'Why dont you take pictures anymore?'

'Geez asking all the tough questions tonight, whats up with you?'

'I just miss you, i suppose'

Talcott is in Lestallum and he's having a meal with the guys and decides to bring it up 

'Was talking ot Prompto the other day - he thinks you hate him'


'Well, not exactly what he said but basic translation'

Gladio gets mad

'He could come here too'

'Yeah he has been, he came twice with me'

Ignis was in the middle of a very important meeting and Gladio was off hunting

Iris is having food with them too mostly listening

'Oh yeah, I remember that - he called in to see me'

Second tiem he was injured on the way so by the time he was back on his feet he had to leave

Iris visitied him that time

Sent Gladdy a message

Prom has a 'Get well soon' still in his messages

Talcotts like

'Okay actually, his thoughts totally have merit - I thought it was just Promptos fatalistic attitude'

They always put him on the long finger




BLESSSSS talcott and Prom is something I crave like a i r.

Anabel (latt)

I love them chilling like this! Prompto looks so cute with that hat