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*gasp* has regis discovered the truth??? Papa Regis will make things right ~ The details here are so gorgeous it must have taken a long time !

Virginia B

regis calling ignis "son" is perfect, he's like family to him and noct ♡ but that must make iggy's guilt weigh that much heavier. he hasnt just upset his prince, he hurt his brother 💔 this page is gorgeous and I love how you draw regis! ♡


hi ive never commented before but ive literally looked at every drawing multiple times! Youre so talented both art wise and story-wise! I'm so happy that someone is looking into this!!!


oh good please let Regis figure it out, that poor boy has suffered enough and my heart can't take much more!


I love this page...first because the bg, though they might have been hell to draw, are absolutely gorgeous, but also just the beautiful way you build the story. Like, Ignis questioning his judgement of Prompto, you can't blame him, on the one hand. Prom *did* commit a crime (Ignis is just missing that crucial detail that he did so after a week of starvation and probably wasn't exactly thinking so clearly). But at the same time, as the audience, besides just the fact that we love Prom, you've given us this whole past chapter that shows again and again how truly good a person Prom is. And just...guh, it's just all such a perfect set up, maximum angst all around! LOVE IT! (Also love that open shirt collar going on there in the last panels ^^)


...and oh look, this comic may in fact give me ALL the FEELS, don't mind while I just dump them in large quantities all over the place...oops >.>

Anabel (latt)

Lolol Clarus should know better xD Ooooh ok yes! Someone is finally looking into this


I know in the last picture you said you struggled with drawing Regis but he always looks so freaking GOOD when you do draw him.




Oh so NOW you look into it. How bout looking into it before passing judgement assholes. DDD