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Regis, I would feel sorry for you, but I feel like is going to become a “reap what you sow” lesson


Poor Regis...he looks so tired...I love the shading on all of this, and the play of the lamp light. Gorgeous!

Mama Val

The lighting is incredible!


When I got the alert for this, I legit gasped. I'm so excited to see an interlude devoted to Regis! :D Beautiful artwork!!


My God what a gorgeous scene


Oh man, this is gunna HURT so much... the LAST thing Regis wants is to alienate his son from him. It's going to be interesting to see his POV


Awww yeah these inbetweens are to show another pov to everything.


Yeah he knows exactly how important Prompto is when it comes to Noctis but he also knows the importance of no dirty laundry in the royal family


Yesss, He has priorities and unfortunately Prompto is not one of them


This page is so stunning; I can see so much of Noct in the way you draw Regis and the use of light and shadow here is so well executed. And the posing - the hand raised to shield his eyes from the lamplight, his posture in that last frame, are all just so beautifully human. What a lovely scene. (But, I'm confused - is this a flashback to the night of The Incident, or something new? Because it contradicts the Ignis interlude, if it is - sorry, I've only re-read the comic more than is healthy by this point :D )


So it does!! Thank you for knowing this better than I do xD I'll edit it later so it matches up. I really appreciate you pointing that out because I would not have noticed! I'll fix it later tho, I really appreciate it. If you'd like I could make some zips of it for people to download for easy reading back so you don't have to click through??

Rin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 20:47:30 Ah crap I forgot to comment on this, but I am really looking forward to seeing Regis' take on the events. We already know Ignis is sort of taking everything at face value, but I can't help but wonder if Regis will have someone investigate further, since he's used to trying to determine causation of events to determine actions (I would assume that's part of his kingly duties, haha). Anyway, as much as I'm going to miss seeing you draw Prom's hair, I can't wait for this chapter! <3
2018-08-28 20:00:24 Ah crap I forgot to comment on this, but I am really looking forward to seeing Regis' take on the events. We already know Ignis is sort of taking everything at face value, but I can't help but wonder if Regis will have someone investigate further, since he's used to trying to determine causation of events to determine actions (I would assume that's part of his kingly duties, haha). Anyway, as much as I'm going to miss seeing you draw Prom's hair, I can't wait for this chapter! <3

Ah crap I forgot to comment on this, but I am really looking forward to seeing Regis' take on the events. We already know Ignis is sort of taking everything at face value, but I can't help but wonder if Regis will have someone investigate further, since he's used to trying to determine causation of events to determine actions (I would assume that's part of his kingly duties, haha). Anyway, as much as I'm going to miss seeing you draw Prom's hair, I can't wait for this chapter! <3


I feel bad for Regis, but at the same time I'm mad no one but Noctis sees beyond the situation. Even if Noct doesn't know the truth of what's going on, he somehow senses that there's more to it and is willing to question it. Everyone else taking things at face value is so disappointing T wT