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(ಥ﹏ಥ) Prom’s atleast being an adult about what he needs to do... even if he shouldn’t have to!


Oh prom. He's really growing up with all that's happened to him and handling everything pretty well. It must suck feeling so alone and he still can't talk to his best friend 😢


Ahh, this chapter just got sadder and sadder for poor Prom. :( This is like, slow burn fic with a side of whomp and I love it, thank you. <3


Prom...he's just trying to be so responsible and planning ahead and I WORRY because his plans keep running into road blocks and I fear how this one will go awry...the length of time he's been going hungry just keeps getting longer and longer and he's a growing teen and just...oh BAB T..T Also love the juxtaposition of that crowded cafeteria and then Prom eating all alone...T_____T


Yeah especially considering the others probably can't even comprehend it. His parents need such a talking to

Lady Saevam

Ugh this page was heart breaking. I’m surprised his school doesn’t have a meal plan he could take advantage of, but then again he probably couldn’t afford it. Also, poor thing can’t possibly make a habit of eating unfinished food/saving items out of the trash near school for fear of being seen ostracized by his classmate. I’m getting frustrated with Prom’s parents, like I know they’re not really around but certainly they have to wonder how/if Prom is able to get basic nutrition. Did Prompto have a job that he lost and the parents don’t know about? Just gaaah I am getting so worried about Prompto and how’s going to be able to survive long term. He’s managed two weeks but soon his body is going to tap into his limited fat reserves for energy and he’s going to get weaker/sick, which is going to put Prom in danger :((( fantastic job as always!


Uhhhggghghgkdhgkh the fact that he can't even get school lunch is so gut wrenching. Omg, I'm so ready for someone to help this child. T AAAT