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Later Nocts like

'Wheres Prompto?'

'Argentum? He was canned by the Marshall'

'Excuse me?'

The door bounces off the wall in Cors office

'You know he has a job too right???'

'Not my problem'


'Was he failing the drills?'


'were his scores bad?'


'So wheres the problem????'

'Well I'm sure when an assassin has a blade at your neck he'll wait 20 minutes for Argentum to show up'


'If he can fix that, can he come back?'

'One more chance'

Prompto was constantly running from one to the other

no hope of being on time ot either

Great, he's back on the Crownsguard, too bad he can't afford to eat

I figure he passes out during sparring

And while high af on painkillers spills all the beans

and we know Noct loves beans


isnt he in training?

do they pay at all


probably frozen till he's 18

foolishly assuming he has parents who...parent




I love overworked Prompto

Anabel (latt)

*squints* is that the same fluffy as hell chocobo plushie that's in some other pics? Idk but either way i love it so much. Glad SOMEONE has Prompto's back


Its my fav headcannon that prom overworks/overschedules to feed himself because his parents just dont. Poor boy ... noct will always have your back!

Asidian Morris

This was wonderful. Prom's poor sad face is lovely in every panel, plus we get more of that ridiculously squishy chocobo plush. Overworked Prom struggling to make ends meet is A+++. :)a

Jacquelyn Mela

Even when you're not posting comic pages you are still destroying my life with Prompto feels. ;A;


His parents can break a leg! 😡 *Hugs prom*

Rachel Huey

Wow stop destroying me kaci


It IS, Asi asked for it to reappear so i try to throw it in from time to time XD


I found something thats like a TEENY version of the plush XD <a href="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Y5HdVjG7L._SL1500_.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Y5HdVjG7L._SL1500_.jpg</a>


Poor Prom must feel so let down - literally every adult in his life lets him down and he probably looks up to Cor so much and then, nope, no give.