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This week there will be!

A SPAM from Tier 3 up. 

Process pics, Some sai docs. I'll see about getting a vid and im hoping for 1 to 2 tutorials. It's been a bit neglected so I'll give it a lot of attention this coming week.

Finished over due commissions (I'm waiting on a paper delivery - at which point all mail will go OUT) hopefully tomorrow.
Today was a lost cause - some personal stuff came up and i lost a lot of time to it. Only a few to go and then I will be badgering for the next lot!

A comic page every weekday for July. Allowing me a little leeway while I die from flo, then lazarus it up and get back to biz. (sunday's my bday u guys and sat flo is due - Its going to be wild and by wild i mean I probably wont get out of bed) The new style means I draw them faster and more comfortably so this will be fun.


That you can email me a pic that you want to redline if you like, I have a few who regularly do. If you want someone to bounce ideas off for fic...ALSO THAT. If you just want to CHAT - here I am.

And also for anyone new who could not deal with going back through everything and have been tag surfing. There's also a ref pinterest available for your peruuussal.


I had an idea today.

Im not sure what I'm going to do with it yet whether I will make a new tier or just slap it into tier 4/5 (probably...I dont want to have to mess with the tiers)

But I'm a little excited about it. It seems kind of fun. I feel like if I were to mess with the tiers I might add one that offered those strips I do as a reward. Idek right now. Someone mentioned an interest in having those as a reward. 

But imagine getting a letter from a character??

Whether it was to the patron, or another character. Drai suggested that patrons could ask questions to be answered in character?? doodles and pics. I dunno. Its gestating right now. 

A person was asking me for some patreon advice earlier and I just blurted that out - you all know what I'm like in the stream. A literal stream of thought and then 'WAIT, I LOVE IT' 

I've a few drawings left on the previous prompt...not 'prompto' hands...stop it, prompt post and then I'll pop up another for you - rather than doing raffles for drawings I'm just kind of doing these posts and drawing...most of them. (all of them this round)

If i ever get a ton, I'll draw a bunch from each tier in the interest of fairness! I usually allow 24 hours.

So yes, that was a mouthful. I'm still tired from the con so staying up late late has been beyond me lately but i'll get back to streaming again soon and yes. I just want to keep you in the loop!

Because I love and appreciate ALL of you!



Very exciting!! It's going to be a great month! :D

Lana Rosenthal

Thank you for the update! <3 Glad you're doing well!