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I got back from the con monday night and tbh I feel a little like i was suffering from exhaustion.
I couldn't move the last 2 days because with everything leading up and on the weekend I went a very long time with very little sleep


It's been super hot in ireland and we're not good in the heat (understatement) Its 26C atm and when you think that irelands average summer temp is 17???? Can't cope.

We don't have aircon in homes because it's not needed the majority of the time. I have a fan which is the only reason I can draw in this weather because my room is a sweatbox.

But yes, I'm back.

I'll probably stream later but for now I'm going to be working on my tiers.



Yay, happy to have you back, and glad you've got some rest! Also oh but do I hear you with the heat! Anything over about 25 kills me...and I'm home visiting my parents and it's predicted to be over 35, possibly as high as 38 for the next week here in Massachusetts and all I wanna do is curl into a melted puddle and weep T.T

Jacquelyn Mela

Welcome back, I hope you had a good time! Cons are often very tiring because you're running around all weekend! Even if you've been sitting for most of it. And that's without the "Con cold" that sometimes hits people. Man, it's currently in the high 20s low 30s here. Sorry I don't have any tips though! We all have air conditioning here. Keep hydrated!


Hahah yeah, I've been trying to drink more but all I want is tea XD Hot weather won't stop me from drinking tea tho.


Yesss, tbh once it starts going over 20 I'm not happy but I bought a good fan last year and it's made all the difference. Drawing is comfortable considering im leaning on a heated screen XD Roll on next week - i think theyre due to drop a little