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i was thinking Proms parents left without notice

and he was out

without keys

because why would he need keys when his parents were home

Proms like 'Im not supposed to go with strangers D:' *shiver*

And Gladio's like 'He's in Noctis' class'

'You know Prince Noctis right?? I'm a friend of his dad's'

He's been out hours i imagine

Like its a weekend and Clarus was spending time with his babs

And like proms probably aware enough to know not to say what really happened

So he says his parents work nights

and he doesnt know their numbers to call them

As he sits in the kitchen in the Amicitia household

Being fussed over


I wonder how long it's been since someone fussed over him :(((


he probably wouldnt feel comfortable with it

because he knows that if they call his parents hes in shit

Clarus wants him in the shower when they get back

But Thats a PROBLEM

because creepy old man

So he's like '...Gladio keep him company'

'Dad no D:'


not just that but after they get him out of the shower and warm, in gladios clothes

Hes still wearing that sopping wristband

'Lets take this off shall we'

'okay okay okay!!! You can keep it on'

as Prom sobs in fear

i figure eventually they get a hold of his parents

And theyre like

'Oh the nanny never showed up?......WELL SHES FIRED'


if someone says they have a nanny

and theyre strangers

Youre gonna assume thats the truth

Promptos put a little bit of doubt in his mind

by saying they were working nights

But hes a kid

he might be told that to appease him

Clarus is like 'Well, he can stay here until you get back'



Clarus has it on speaker to reassure Prompto


'Can I speak to Prompto?'

'Hey honey...'

Doesnt know when Clarus has handed over the phone

'Mom you're no-'

'Honestly I can't believe you! You better behave and you know what'll happen if you take off that band'


'Are you there?'

'Well, we both are' says Clarus

Prom's staring at him like

'I have no clue what to do...im 9!'

His mother is like 'Ah...Im sorry, Im just frustrated to miss work'


'Well, I think it's time for bed'

'Yes of course, goodbye Mr Amicitia, Good night Prompto love'


Has she ever alled him Prompto love before right now >.>


Probably not in a long time


Sweetheart :((((

Lol Gladio would lord it over Noctis

'I have your friend >D'

'We're not friends...yet D<'

'Not if Im his friend first!!'




Anabel (latt)

Oh Gladio and Noct would be young enough to have that silly argument. This is so cute (although Prom you sweet soggy bean 😢)!! Adding drawing playgrounds to your extensive skills list xD