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(I accidentally almost posted 5...I've just woken from a sleep and went 'COMIC PAGE' and then had to hunt for the wifi password because my sister is CONKED. Here you go my lovelies.)



Haley Barnett

Well Ignis, if you had talked to Prompto FIRST you would have known that HE WAS FORCED TO STEAL BECAUSE OF HIS SITUATION. I love how well you have written Ignis because I hate him which is a strong emotion and, in my case, shows good writing. I like hating Ignis in this comic.


I can’t help but wonder if Prompto actually did steal anything. I mean, he was so determined and he’d gotten so close. What if he was accused and everybody accepted it as true but he was actually innocent? *dies inside *


this comic is ruining my life kaci (jk its the best thing ever)


I said it before, but I am continuing to LOVE Noct's anger. He is just so mad on Prompto's behalf, and it's clear, unlike everyone else, he knows his friend well enough to realize there is no way Prom didn't have a good reason. And like, yeah Ignis, you're not wholly wrong, no one technically *forced* him to break the law...but circumstances being what they are, he also really didn't have much choice....I'm so so looking forward to everyone's reactions when the truth comes out! Loving this more with every page! XD

K. Wes

What I want to know, in all honesty, is why Ignis, tactician and general good guy, would just assume he knows what happened. I'm so frustrated for him.


I love all the tension this has created between friends and family. Noct is pissed, iggy and Regis are frustrated, and sunshine Prom is just heartbroken. Im glad that noctis is still defending prom.


I can't wait until Ignis finds out WHY Prom was desperate enough to steal. It's going to blow up right in his face.

Caitlin Mooney

This comic is breaking my heart. Ignis, you're going to feel so, so incredibly guilty when everything comes to light.

Cal Thomsen

I feel like the cops or whatever just saw this Nigg kid who a store owner said stole from him and thought it a closed case. Wrote the report and filed everything to go with it. Brushed their hands of the Niff who got its dues. Ignis would have trusted their report, thinking that the police would have handled it fairly and justly.


The emotions on their faces here is so clear. I can just imagine the tones they're taking with each other. This is so painful to watch. Iggy must be hurting so much inside. ; www;