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The head is more turned to the left which meant when I did the sketch I had to move the ear back 

I don't normally sketch in colour but it can be useful and my warm up is usually where I play around

Then I used layer a plummy colour to sketch which I quite liked too but decided for a fun gradient instead. You can see the clipped layer below to see how the colours work 

ALSO, I didn't realise this but Drai told me the other day - I would have always merged layers to add the next clip but you can add as many layer clips as you like onto a single layer. You just continue to add layers above and check layer clip. 

I was so pleased 8D

I'm a big fan of doing flat colours on a layer and then clipping a multiply layer for shadows so I don't have to deal with cleaning up.

So now you can clip that, darker shadows and highlights all to your flat colours and no need for merging.

(If I'm not making sense let me know and i'll do an image set to explain)




I love this plum color!! if it isn't obvious I'm weak to purples lmao but this is a lovely profile, my eyes keep going to the lovely chin area where it juts out *just right* ~ thanks for sharing!!