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Gladio and prom both get the same ...thing

Gladio thinks its unbearable

Prom counts it as a twinge

'will i make you some tea?'



i wonder if prom

would think that

by gladios reaction

that hes worse off


yes but i think its also more Gladio who thinks hes worse off



Awww Gladio looks so pathetic here

This poor bab XD



because it IS bad

hes not being a baby so much

that its just that Proms not reacting

'It's good to see you up and about Gladio'

'The feeling is mutual!'

'The doctor did say that we could expect Prompto to be bed bound for a while longer seeing as his exposure was more severe'

'He- what??'

'Yes, he mentioned that Prompto had ingested some of the chemicals, there was some burning'


and suddenly

gladio realizes prom can hide his pain much better than expected





Anabel (latt)

Ok but Noct and Prompto in the last panel...the Prince is a serial snuggler


Thats his ploy, he's like 'yes im herefor cuddles' 5 mins later he's asleep....no...he was here for an excuse to nap...lbr


Gosh I love Prompto just looking after Gladio here despite being in more pain. But his attention is on full alert compared to Gladio which says a lot of his mental pain tolerance. Doing MMA, I've always found a lot of my students react pretty strongly to illness. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" I suppose? Like we know Gladio can take a serious physical hit, because you can build your body to withstand taking a hit over time, but an illness can literally tackle the muscles/cells you built over years and break down that whole system for the time being and with the physical immunity you built making you able to resist the pain, suddenly not having that resistance suckssss. Meanwhile Prompto will be hacking a lung and be like "s'just allergies" when it's like pneumonia spread to both his lungs lol But I love that you show that difference so well here and the contrast between their behaviors is so well done. And like this must be such a huuuge revelation for him. I can imagine Gladio being a lot more scrutinizing towards Prompto when it comes to injuries and stuff down the road, or maybe even looking back at certain moments or recognizing a scar from a battle that shouldn't be there if he'd used a potion properly or something. But I also totally love that like Prompto just shows this pure concern for Gladio and the pain he's in -- he doesn't take it likely, probably hates to see him like that too.


im absolutely dead this is the best thing