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PS.I traced the shit out of that bg, i take no credit whatsoever!



K. Wes

Ugh this is killing me. No one even asked Prompto why he did what he did. The injustice of it makes me so mad.


I KNOW!!! I JUST WANT JUSTICE FOR PROMPTO. Noctis will do something tho, I hope he not just let his best friend go away like this.

K. Wes

He better not, Noctis knows better than that.


Ugh, I love Iggy's face in this, he looks so conflicted about it all~~~


Loving everything about these panels. Handsome King Regis, the whole room screams Regal Decor ♥

Haley Barnett

Ah, the upper class thought process of "Well, they did something wrong so they MUST be a bad person. They totally don't need a reason to do this."

Haley Barnett



King Regis looks so handsome ❤️ I love how you draw him and clarus! I know iggy is Just doing his job to protect noct and I feel for him...but no one has proms side of the story! This story is so good I cannot wait to see how iggy finds out. Oh and Im eager to see noct's reaction Omg! Thanks as always for sharing :)


Okay so now I need to throw hands with Regis?! Alright, put ‘em up! (ง’̀-‘́)ง


Aww baaaaby how unsure Ignis looks! Regis is super handsome tho, damn. I wonder if Clarus is gonna be the one to go 'well, have you ever asked him what happened?'


Became a patreon for this comic! It's so well paced and drawn!


Asidian said the most perfect thing with regards this page: "It's all been Prom's pov We've had the jail, and his house, with nothing in it And his cracked entryway And empty fridge And him alone in his bed crying himself to sleep And here we have very affluent, powerful men sitting in a lovely location casually sipping tea While they discuss something they think they understand but don't really Like... fffff This REALLY hammers it home No wonder they don't understand what Prompto's going through Everything he's experiencing is so far outside their realm of experience that it just doesn't compute"

K. Wes

And how frustrating that is! From the bottom end of the chain it feels so detached. Like, Ignis saying in the last page, "How could Prompto do this to Noct" like, my dude. What an arrogant and self-centered POV.


Ignis's face in that final panel kills me. He looks so distraught - like he knows what this is going to do to Noctis and that's killing him despite Regis's assurance. And ughh Regis looks sooo good here I can't get over that lovely handsome face of his omg and then like that scenery is so nice. No shame in a trace here and there! Especially for a single panel and it looks so regal too! It reminds me of this Japanese drama my mom watched where a mangaka was like crying to his friend over how he's never making another High School comic again and he's just like "the readers don't understaaaand. If I draw a classroom in this panel, I have to draw every single desk, chair, accessory just for that ONE panel. Then I have to line EVERYTHING up and do that process again any time a desk so much as shows up in a panel and that's just for ONE panel of ONE page of ONE chapter" and I've never empathized with a character so much lol Like I totally would've just noped and traced it too, not to mention you had to add in the figures to the scene and have them all interacting with each other and the space and you did it so well! That in and of itself is a HUGE task for any illustration let alone a single panel and you did it so wonderfully!


Iggy's face at the end. His doubt is strong. I think he knows Noct better than Regis. ; w;