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Can't wait to see Ignis' face when he realizes that he messed up.


Oof, poor Iggy. Bad news all around!


It's a tough spot to be in for sure. Poor iggy. Poor noct. Poor prompto Omg. He didn't even get to keep that can he took and now he's left to starve D:


Prepare to catch these hands Ignis- you may not need to be liked but you don’t gotta be a dick to Prommy! (ง’̀-‘́)ง


On the one hand, I love how upset Ignis is here, by the whole situation. And him knowing that he's the "bad guy" but believing it's necessary. At the same time, I kinda wanna shake him and be like, c'mon Iggy, why WOULD he do that to Noct, that's what you reeeally need to be looking into, cause really, does that sound like Prompto?


Awwwww nnooo, iggy :( yeah it all better sorts itself out quickly..!!


Iggy ; A; I love his slamming the wheel. We're not used to seeing emotional outbursts from him. That he waits until he is in an isolated place to do it is so telling. Augh Iggy ; w;