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'I was under the impression you weren't allowed talk to me anymore'

The council very much frown on Noctis' interest in Prompto


i frown at them

you need to adopt a luke skywalker voice and tell those councilmen "its time for the line of the lucii to end"



Regis just stepped down

Hes still alive

And laughing at the chaos with Clarus

He sends pictures of his vacay with Clarus

Gladio and Noctis both cringe and whine when Prompto makes inverted commas with his fingers

'his shield'


'He guards you dad's body very well'




And Ignis is like 'eek, maybe some questions are better left unanswered'

Prompto's all 'That Ignese for 'Promptos right, so suck it''

Noctis wont back down

'What Clarus and I do on our honeymoon is none of your business' *wink emoji x 10*


'Or...is it??'


its no wonder the boys are all nerds

look who raised them


Prompto runs a no kill shelter

which is to say he has a TON of pets

And has a night job to feed his babies

And cries when any are rehomed

I figure once the press gets wind of it

his and Noctis' friendship

The donations start rolling in

But now he has to be super careful who he allows take a baby

in case its to get close to noctis

so they are SCREENED

like human adoption screening XD

theres a moogle form

and references required

And he always pleads that if a family struggles, to just bring the baby back

He doesnt always smell so good tho

Which is a bit of a crime to Noct's delicate senses

And Ignis' but Gladio is like AHHH NATURE

Noct is all about the kittens tho

Some are his

he's claimed them

and requires photos

Prompto probably has some named after them all

because ones a snooty lil shit that turns his nose up at regular cat food

and he;s too much of a sap to let it go hungry

So it gets special food

He named the mom Ignis

'Ignis is cleaning Noct again'

Pic of her licking his bum

Gladio almost dies laughing

Other versions:



Emily Baker

oh my gosh i love thiiiiiiiis


Aww he gave prompto his jacket <3 <3 also really loving the colors!

Anabel (latt)

Gosh so much cuteness here. I looove what Prompto is wearing


This is ALSO my new favorite au

Kitarin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 21:40:54 So sweet and really pretty, love the lighting <3
2018-05-13 20:34:52 So sweet and really pretty, love the lighting <3

So sweet and really pretty, love the lighting <3