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im imagining some kind of amnesia

like when he came back

he didt completely return

And he's confused

and sore and annoyed

because all these people pussyfoot around him

clearly know him

And he has the basics

He knwos he's the king and he knows how to rule

So he can do that

but he is fed up with the mournful looks on teh blonde guys face every time he sees him

So he decides he doesn't want him around for now

Its putting him in a bad mood

Because they all clearly want him to be something but he CANT

So Ignis and Gladio are loathe to do it but they have to

And they reassign Prompto

Try to keep an eye on him

But as Noctis begins to really commit to the kingdom their time is less and less

And then Noct starts having dreams

Which i imagine is bothe carbuncle and luna intervening

Gladio realises a day late that it was Proms bday

He decides to visit in person

and apologise but also check in

So he and Ignis arrive with cake onlu

no Prompto

The tracking has been disabled on his phone

but he does reply to their messages to say he's fine, and wont be replying to any after that for the foreseeable future

Prompto was more liek a ghost than Noctis and he caught sight of himself in the mirror one day and decided no, this has to stop

And the first step was to get out of there

So he goes out and starts contributing to the rebuilding

Helping people

Before he knows it he's in Niflheim

Aranea wont say it out loud

but she's all kinds of proud of him for actually putting himself first

So he and she start rebuilding there

Probably gain quite a reputation

One day Prompto gets a text from Noctis

'Come home, please. We need to talk'

'Not yet'

Prompto unintentionally becomes the face for Niflheims rebuilding

People start to look to him for guidance

and he's literally shitting himself

But he's 32 by now

He knows how to build from rubble

he's had Ignis in his ear so long he knows how to be diplomatic

He also is aware that he's more of a figurehead

and that Aranea and co are doing the bulk of the work

But whatever works

He probably starts to really heal

in particular his insecurities about his heritage

because these people KNOW what kind of terrible things were happening in their country

And eventually he gets back in touch with the guys

Noct did say once that he wanted to join their nations

So thats goign to be the next step

I kind of imagine him and Aranea joking about it

'Go home'

'I am home'

Its more like summer and winter home

Wedge pipes up

'Home is where the heart is'

Prompto and Aranea make identical 'I cant believe you just said that' grimaces

Theres definitely a happy ending in the future

and apologies


I figure a year or two go by before Prompto returns




i love the story so much. right in the feels. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

Haley Barnett

Ah, a royal marriage that WILL unite the nations!


This story was such a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was definitely worth it for the happy ending!! ;D


Noct ruling? Prom rebuilding and uniting nations? Yes to all of this ♥

Lana Rosenthal (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 21:40:54 Ow, my heart :<
2018-05-09 04:02:35 Ow, my heart :<

Ow, my heart :<