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Drai suggested the word 'spill'


this poor boy

looks so afraid

that this cup is some awful thing

those eyes




Ignis would probably snap in his startlement

'Oh for crying out loud Prompto'

Prom pulls his hand back so fast his elbow catches his own

i have images of him elbowing the glass

and he dives after it

And Ignis is like

'Prompto NO'

'G-got it.....part of it D:'

'D: ...um'

Noct and Gladio get back with the food

'....we leave you alone for 5 minutes D:'

The waitress gets over with a handful of napkins

Ignis graciously takes some

'S-sir you're bleeding...'





"sir, you're bleeding" "noimnot! lol that had me laughing. prom would get nervous on dates like this


There is so much Prompto in every motion and dialogue in this I love it. Poor thing just needs to relax but you know he feels guilty as hell. He looks so shook I love it but poor bab.