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Prompto is a captured Nif spy. 

He was pretty easy to spot honestly and has clearly had no training on how to withstand interrogation or torture.

He jumps anytime anyone comes into the room and cowers away from them. He's slippery so they've resorted to full restraints after an almost escape which has done nothing to help his fear.

He's told them how he got into Insomnia but not a whole lot else. He's refusing food so this is the last ditch effort before they turn to feeding tubes.

Ignis' grip is firm but it doesn't hurt much - He spat it out once so once it's in Ignis holds his mouth shut until he swallows. Once it hits his stomach though he realises just how hungry he is and cant resist eating more.

By the time the bowl is mostly empty Prompto feels loose and relaxed.

"What did you give me?"

I figure it's some form of truth serum/relaxant so before they know it he's babbling.

Gladio has been aghast since they brought him in - 'He's got to be 14 or 15' which as they question him they find out he's 18, he just has a baby face.

They find out that Niflheim keep their spies under control through blackmail and threats.

Prompto's family was in danger if he didn't do what he was supposed to. But there's a whole lot he doesn't know about that himself. Once the drugs wear off he's horrified and breaks down in misery.

Clarus stands behind Gladio shaking his head.

As bad as they thought Niflheim was, they didn't think they'd resort to children as spies.




GASP This is GREAT! The poses, the angle, the expressions! (Iggy with his hair down...:3) Poor Prom, that doesn't look comfortable. The story is also amazingly painful :D


The angle on this is fantastic, and both their positions are great. Oh poor Prom T_T It's truly amazing the number of ways you can hit us right in the feels! ^__-

Anabel (latt)

"Children as spies" oy TT man Prompto's expression of terror here.


I like the idea of spy prom being the worst clumsy spy. Poor babe he looks so terrified... I love when you draw from this perspective. It works particularly well here for me because it almost feel like we as the viewer are interrogating prom. Like standing above him. Not sure if I explained that well Haha


Aww thanks Ket, yeah I was talking about it ith Asi and I feel like he would know about Glauca so if he slips up and gives them anything he knows it's going back to the empire


Gosh this is so sad. Like they’re trying to help but that boy is TERRIFIED. Poor thing. It’s going to take a lot to recover from what he went through. Also I love the topview perspective you did on this - it kind of adds to some of that terror you see prompto going through and what it must feel like for him almost like you’re watching a surgery or something happening but instead it’s just Iggy trying to help him and make things right.