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I'm literally too exhausted to hold a conversation atm

I assume its iron deficiency but oh man it's hard to move so im not up to the multitasking of drawing and chatting but 8D working on the comic page atm!

You know what I hate??

Drawing classrooms???

Why am I doing a comic about a school kid??

ALSO I'm adding the story under last nights pic too after this



Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Dont worry about it and take some iron pills. Maybe eat some spinach? Or dark chocolate is good too! ;-; Take care of yourself plz Julie


Feel better soon! Get some rest and take all the time you need to recover.

Ellay Gee

:: sends you rest and go out vibes ::


No worries...! Get some good rest and I hope you feel better soon!! <3


Im just pooped, i'll start chewing some tabs and hope it picks up


I hope you’re feeling better soon! Nothing worse than being too exhausted to do things you want to do.


Hope you feel better!


Its also 6 days to that time of the month so it's very possibly THAT. Soemtimes it kicks off a week before


That's okay, dear. Your health is more important <3


Oh no I hope you feel better soon! D: rest if you need to and don't burn yourself out please!

Virginia B

take time to rest and feel better soon ♡

Asidian Morris (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 21:44:38 Feel better soon! Please get some rest. <333
2018-05-01 04:25:27 Feel better soon! Please get some rest. <333

Feel better soon! Please get some rest. <333


Ahh that sucks, but we've all been there. I've barely been able to get out of bed I'm so tired. I hope you feel better and are able to push past this! It's hard having to go through that so please take care of yourself!