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You won't do any good running outta here without thinkin' Sugar'

'Pawpaw could tell you a thing'r'two about being left behind by princes'

'I could use an extra set of hands'

The other two persuade Noctis that Prompto would be safer if he didnt come along

because hes a bit of a liability

And it doesnt take much persuading

because Noctis isnt really interested in Prompto dying for him anyway

So they leave while he's sleeping and Cindy watches it happen

But the guys progress, Cor notices and comments once

but thats it

And they do their royal tombing

Insomnia falls

they get to titan and meet Ardyn

and hes all 'ho hum...this wont do where's the blonde??'

'You do realise that he's as much part of the prophecy as you are your highness'

They can't succeed without Prompto

So thats awkward

Because now they have to go back and grovel

and its been months

Cids been teaching him about modifying weapons

Cindy was thrilled to realise he had a knack for machinery ANYWAY

So while it was a pity gift

it turns out to benefit her massively

they probably expect Prompto to be please to see them

maybe because theyre dudes

they think they can play it off like this was the plan all along

But Promptos known them since he was 15

he can see right through them

and the fact that they started so dishonestly is not helping their case

They eventually tell him the truth

What they discovered

and its like 3 against 3

because Proms standing with Cindy and Cid backing him up


oh man

Final Fantasy XV: Civil War



And he agrees because hes a sweetheart and the worlds at stake

Cindy pulls him into a hug

And he's slightly desensitised now to accidentally motorboating cindy

She kisses his hair and whispers advice to him before letting go

He gets into the car, front seat like old times

'So you and Cindy huh??' says Gladio

'Yeah me and Cindy' Prom says deadpan

because he and cindy what??

They dont need or deserve specifics

it goes back to awkward silence



Haley Barnett

Cindy is BEST big sister. Cid is BEST grandpa. And yeah, the others DONT deserve to know that his gay ass isn't sleeping with Cindy but that they are family. Because nobody gets LEFT BEHIND or FORGOTTEN.

Thursday Coming

"And he's slightly desensitised now to accidentally motorboating cindy" lmao

Anabel (latt)

Good, what they did was not fair >:T Prom isn't gonna pretend everything is fine either. This gave me feelings too early in the morning


Oh man, I LOVE this AU. Poor Prom, like we can't even see his face, but everything about his posture just shows how devastated he is. Gods can you imagine how insulting that would've been to Prompto too? Like he worked so hard to get into the crownsguard JUST so he could stick by his friends' side on this journey. Didn't Cor even train him? He probably had to go through so much just to be able to GO and then for them to pick up and leave without saying anything? Like wow, okay thanks. I mean, at the very least they left him behind at Hammerhead and not Insomnia but still. And like Noct's intentions are there, but it doesn't make it less of a shitty thing. And I just love how you did Cindy's somber expression here. It's not something we see often on her face/if ever even when things get rough. And like when they go back to get him it's not even because they /want/ him there. It's that they need him there. Like that must feel really shitty and how do you even go about repairing that relationship? Lmao I love that Civil War comment. But like damn if it ain't true


Ohana means family ;^; But yeah, we've moved past him owing them anything


Lol you know she's a hugger when you become family and also doesnt care


Yessss, Prompto has definitely gotten himself a backbone - a Cindy engineered backbone but one none the less!


Yessss, the want versus need comment is so accurate! I definitely think I'll revisit this again but yeahhh I feel like everything is going to play out differently now. It will be interesting as well to see how Prompto and Ardyn interact because the relationship between Noct and Prom isn't as strong as it had been in the game. He's loyal and would lay down his life but it's more due to the oath this time. So 8DD he's going to have to find something new.


Oh gosh yeah. This is such a great verse if you choose to revisit it at some point! Like my mind is reeling over how different it would make things (particularly the scene in Altissia where Prompto tells Noctis to just fucking jump off a building and he does because it's Prom saying it - like would he still do that in this verse??) But what a somber journey it would be. And it'd def be harder for Ardyn to exploit that relationship between Prompto and Noctis to his own ends, other than the fact that it'd be WAY too easy to convince Prompto that no one would come for him if EP Prompto did end up happening. Gosh my heart can't take it. This is such a good and sad AU, but I also love the relationship you built here between Cid, Cindy, and Prompto.


So, I keep thinking about this and, what if... what if, instead of staying with them, Prompto sees no reason to and goes back to Insomnia. Maybe he can continue his studies or work or something. So he's there when the attack happens and when the others go back, there's no Prompto. I just love thinking about it. They don't know if Prompto is alive or dead and Noctis feels even worse. Hehehe, spoiler alert: he's alive and with Cor.