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Salt - dripping

Asidian - Cage

(themes ahead - sex slave, consent issues)

Im feeling kind of like a slave thing

The boys shutting down an illegal trade

only one cant be returned to sender

because there is no home for him

Well, highness, you shut this down, he's your problem now

'Will someone open this cage for the love of God'

Gladio does it

but ends up with an armful

Nocts like - holy shit he moves fast'

Gladio clamps his lips together even as Prompto licks along the seam

Like 'c'monnn'


Good boy, Gladio


Noct is like 'WELL, Im gonna have to touch naked skin'

As he lifts Prompto off Gladio

Only to have the squirming body twist in his arms

and now he has a problem

'S-sorry, didnt mean to touch you there'

'Are m-mmpphhnssss'

Gladios on his feet, prides a bit bruised

He tugs Prompto away and ahh...yeah, he's drugged

'We wrap him in a blanket or something?? until he comes do-ah- no down?'

Gladio just resigns himself to Prompto mouthing at his skin

While they wait it out

'Ah - no biting!'

Noct discovers that petting his hair soothes him

So they just sit there distracting him

They work on rehabilitating him

They've all been kissed more times than they can count by him


oh man, would he have withdrawls?


But by the end its fully his own choice

Yes I think so

Ignis would be the best for that

Gladio and Noct would cave too easy

(I forgot to copy the rest OOPS)

Prompto feeling like he's doing wrong because they keep rejecting him.

There was babysitter Cor so the boys could sleep without being woken by handsy Prom. Also resorts to the blanket.

Prompto eventually telling them his name - they've been calling him kid seeing as he wont say anything.

Getting prompto to stop kneeling by their chairs at meal time and now he kneels on a chair so thats a win.




I like that they put prom in a collar and cuffs. And the gladio is carefully keeping his hands to the side. Very nice