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Continuation of Blunder 

Well I kind of imagine like

Cor missed Pompto taking the hit that bruised him up

And Not only is he fighting with a weapon he's no good with

But he can hardly lift it

So theyre maybe fighting 2 on 2

And he's called for back up

and is like


And whoever is 'attacking' thinks Prom will at least deflect

He's pretty okay defensively

Only no ones actually noticing how sluggish his movements are

And the guy clips him in the shoulder and he goes down on his ass

And he can't slow his impact on Proms teammate

I figure Cor will watch it back


'He's got to go, i tried for Noctis but this was just not thought through at all'

You cant just want someone to be crownsguard

And he sees the way Prompto is like 'durrrr...wha??'

Sword held like a limp dick

And he's like '.....'

*rewinds the feed*

Sees Prompto take the blow

Like maybe from his angle

it looked like a tackle/shove

But he actually got sandwiched at full force

Like, Cors ribs sympathy ache

Prom is slight anyway

So something is surely broken

i was thinking

Cor will probably actually be reported for this

like for this to happen on his watch

Cor would be like 'yeah ok

Clarus would have to have a meeting and like

Its just a cursory thing, done to tick boxes

hes in no fear of losing his job

but like, he would feel pretty shitty for missing it

like he's calling Prompto up on missing shit

and berating him


hypocracy at its finest



But of the two of them

Prompto is only learning

and was badly injured

like he shouldnt have even really still been fighting

he should have been on a stretcher to the med wing

Like its all cute and funny

the lump and the plush

'C'mon kid, Cor thinks your injured'

'How'd you g'in my house?'

'Spare key, c'mon'

Gladios like 'Okay shit, actually stop moving

He'd tentatively press on Prom's side

and he yelps

'Okay, we're...hmmm...'

Like should he call an ambulance

But he figures Prompto is after getting home and moving around a lot

So he hasn't done anything too bad

He'd get him in the car

and infuriate every other car on the road

Because he can't put a belt on Prompto

So he drives under the limit

Getting Noctis strapped in and laying Prompto across him in a way that he can hold onto him a little

hes having to explain why his wrist is bandaged to the doctor

because he does not want it looked at

'I was just mad'

'Why were you mad?'

'Someone got hurt because of me today, I messed up really bad'

'Do you think you had to hurt yourself because of this?'

'Yes. No...I dont know'

'Have you hurt yourself before?'

Eyes dart to Gladio and Noctis


i feel like Prompto maybe mentioned not being cut out for crownsguard

and Noct is like 'WELL THATS ON ME'

Prompto would have to give his account of the situation too

And he's be so 'no no cor is great'

And Clarus is like, 'here's what we'll do. Youre goign to tell me like youre watching a movie, scene by scene'

Totally objective

3rd person

like 'Okay, lets talk about his injury'

He leads him, and then what,and what happened next?

Prompto would hesitate on names

because he doesnt want to get anyone in trouble

'Its training, injuries happen sometimes - no ones in trouble'

But Prompto's thinking 'yeahhh but they kind of steamrolled him intentionally and maybe they dont know their own strenght but...'

you dont shoulder check the skinny kid from both sides

unless you want to hurt him

Maybe they thought he'd go down

And he'd be out of the way for the day

If theres one thing they know about Prompto it's that e never points fingers

Clarus is like 'btw, we have footage so like, we know the names anyway??'

And then he gets to Cor

And the dressing down

After Clarus is like 'Okay, right, I feel like I already know your answer but do you want to pursue this any further?'


'Cor shouldn't have missed the assault nor should he have been as verbally abusive'

He shows Prompto in the guidelines where Cor violated their policies

'So....I didn't screw up so bad?'

'I would go so far as to say that your only mistake was in not making your mentor aware of your injury'


'Prompto, I think we're done, no no, don't get up'

'I want to talk to you a little longer, but this time as your friends father'

'Are you alright, son?'


*lip wibbles*

You cant just ask that Clarus

Caring parents is Proms weakness

And he'll be like 'Lets go for a walk, a short one, because you're still healing'

Because Clarus' office is intimidating

'Gladio tells me you hurt yourself when you went home'

'I umm...'

'We have facilities here for our recruits if you felt like you would want to talk to somoene, and my door is always open'

Prom is just shaking

yes lets talk about this tattoo

that would go down well

'I didn't even realise I was doing it. It wont happen again'

'Alright son, I was thinking it would be prudent to get to know my sons friend, so on a more pleasant note, I would like to invite you to dinner at the manor, shall we say friday?'


'Great, I'll send a car, seeing as youre exempt from training currently, after you return, I'll come collect you from training'


congrats prom, you have a dad now


well that adoption went smoothly



Gladio and Noct are still treading on eggshells until Ignis tells them off

'As much as it galls me, we must do whats best for Prompto, and he would rather move past it.'

Suck it up and invite him for games

He'd be like

'Prompto, this will be the last I mention on this matter, but I am always here for you'

Real proper

And he'd cup his cheek gently for a moment

then pat it once

We're done!

Moving on

Proms like

'that was so weird...but reassuring???'

Nocts like 'hey so...'

And Promptos like 'ugh here comes the pity looks again'

'Dad is totally mad at Clarus, that he got to you for family dinners before he could'

Gladios like

'Yeah, dad is smug af'

'Haha WHAT?'

'Yeah he was like

'You can not monopolise all of his friday evening, he is a young man - he might want to do something else'

Friday is Regis' most free day

Hes going to arrive on Clarus' doorstep with a bottle of wine





Lol Regis and clarus fighting to invite prom to dinner is awesome!


Omg such a long story yay! Prom bby don't sleep on that side!!! Also can I please have that giant chocobo plush....I need it


Also wow promptos last expression in the hospital bed is fantastic. I love your subtle expressions they're so powerful


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