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Asidian Morris

I need a hundred and twenty of those little heart buttons, all in a row, to adequately express how much I love this.

Haley Barnett

Congratulations Ignis. You've killed Prompto.


Oh nooo the picture under his pillow ;_; and his parents are mad at him, too. And the black eye is just the cherry on top here. Poor prom can't catch a break


I really wanna know what happened. Why was he arrested?? Why didn't Ignis ask about it!?!?!?


This is only gon get worse as we go, isn't it :,)))))))) <3


I am going to fight Ignis myself sO HELP ME GOD (ง’̀-‘́)ง


Good job ignis... im curious how is going to explain that to noctis?!


This is already breaking my heart =(


Oof. No friends, minimal family, no FOOD... pulling at all the heartstrings, I see.


Breaking my heart 😭😭 but also, he got messages from his parents on why he's not picking up his phone. Was it during when he was locked up in jail, and I love the little detail you placed on his phone that the only other contact he gets are from his foster parents

Avarii (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 21:51:07 This page KILLS me but I love it so much. Poor Prompto clinging onto literally the only thing he has left that proved he and Noctis were ever friends. The empty fridge and the texts from his mom and dad being the only thing left on his phone is like the extra nails on the coffin, and there's that solemn tone you created amazingly with the dark greys as soon as Ignis shuts the door and Prom is left alone. I love it <3
2018-04-14 00:48:39 This page KILLS me but I love it so much. Poor Prompto clinging onto literally the only thing he has left that proved he and Noctis were ever friends. The empty fridge and the texts from his mom and dad being the only thing left on his phone is like the extra nails on the coffin, and there's that solemn tone you created amazingly with the dark greys as soon as Ignis shuts the door and Prom is left alone. I love it <3

This page KILLS me but I love it so much. Poor Prompto clinging onto literally the only thing he has left that proved he and Noctis were ever friends. The empty fridge and the texts from his mom and dad being the only thing left on his phone is like the extra nails on the coffin, and there's that solemn tone you created amazingly with the dark greys as soon as Ignis shuts the door and Prom is left alone. I love it <3


8D There will be parts from different character POVs to explain everything 8D


There will be interludes for different characters as it is majority Prompto centric


Well, they're certainly not concerned about his wellbeing thats for sure.


Awww thanks so much Ava, yes, it's a very stark existence once you take Noct out of the picture...PUN INTENDED


He never even asked about Prom's bruised eye. The texts from his parents, the empty fridge.... HIS FUCKING TEARS IN THE LAST PANEL (ಥ﹏ಥ)(ಥ﹏ಥ)(ಥ﹏ಥ)