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Okay so i briefly touched on this in a stream a week or so ago. I've seen the new Pacific Rim and LOVED it so with it of course comes the Drift Compatible AUs

So I was thinking of Noctis, exceptionally high scores, an absolute prodigy in the Simulators. Very few can best him in a fight.

But utterly incompatible with 99% of the cadets. He can manage a meagre connection with his retainers. He's still a prince and willingly accepted to join the program but he just can't find a pilot.

Enter Prompto, a good all-rounder. Weapons skills unbeatable. So adaptable that he's almost fully compatible with every single person who has tried to drift with him.

Until sharing the load and memories become involved and Prompto panics every single time and the connection severs.

I'm thinking in this instance that instead of the Nif testing being with daemon blood - it would be Kaiju and the memories of the testing are so severe and traumatic that no one has been able to deal with it if they get that far.

Marshall Leonis himself had tried and washed out so he can't really fault anyone else and Prompto is so earnest and talented that they can't kick him out so he's kept as a reserve.

And then he meets Noctis.




Aweeeeeee. This is such a cute idea!! I love it! <333


slams my hand down. This Is the Best. thank you


Omg I am HERE for this au ❤️ the concept sounds awesome and I love Pacific rim!


it's like the first you do after seeing PR is to apply it to your other fandoms 8D


Oh man, this makes me want to watch Pacific Rim. I'm guessing based on your recommendations that they're good movies?


Oh man i have seen the first movie like....more times than you can count on both hands. It's giant robots fighting giant alien monsters with Idris Elba and no forced relationships only bffs foreverrr And then the second has John Boyega being charming af and MORE robots and aliens and friends....its so good.