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Ellay suggested 'Portion'

Ignis is just really nice you know and he gives Prom too much food

Thats what Prompto thinks anyway

He'll throw it away discreetly later

he doesnt want to offend Ignis

Ignis just thinks he's hungry

He hops up first to get him

And hes so scrawny

Ignis is not goign to make him wait

He probably calls Prompto over first by now

And Prompto's plan was going great

but he neglected one factor


'I know you have food in your pockettttt, give me the food in your pocket'

'haha stop'

'Are you hiding treats in your pocket again??'

Theres this awkward pause when it gets its beak in and pulls the corner

and theres curry down Proms leg

And they were all so amused they were all watching

'Right, well, I can explain'

'I have to hear this' says Gladio

'Look, I know you give me extra because you're like the best?? and I didn't want to be rude'

All with a smile

wry headshake

He doesnt deserve Ignis

Ignis kicks Gladio as he's about to start talking


whichever happens first

'What makes you think I gave you extra?'

He used to use a scales at home

but he got pretty good at eyeballing it after a while

'Mhmm...' says Ignis

and shuts the other 2 down with a glare

Words will be had but this is not the time

Because Prompto wont sleep

They'll hand in their hunt and get a hotel

By then Ignis will have prepared a powerpoint

Moreso he can see that Prompto is 100% certain he's right and you cant just say 'nope, youre doing it wrong' to someone liek that

It has to be approached with facts

and tact

They'll work up to it
